first time journal


Well-Known Member
Im wanting to do 3-4 at a time , my fruiting chamber isnt that big. Inoculate 3-4 wait a month then use the other one for 3-4 more.


Well-Known Member
IMO, half pint jars aren't worth the effort.

after you've done the PFTEK with them, invest in quart jars and 50lb bags of rye and millet.


Well-Known Member
Here what I have so far. The spore havent came yet (b+). following >Shroomery - PF Tek. when the spores come, I'll start. comments.........
i thought about doing only 5 jars and half the syringe but thought it would be hard to keep it clean until next five jars.

2 points of advice from exp. shake syringe between jars and flame needle between jars for sterilization.

good luck, i am on my first grow with these. seem easier than pot and faster. atleast i having better results this way.


Well-Known Member
subscribing man, i want to do the same thing, mind taking a pic of the side of those mason jars i want to know whats the right one and whats the wrong one haha


Well-Known Member
when i get back to the house i will (friday) btw i bought 4 oz jars i needed 8 oz that was the only mistake