First time indoor grower


Well-Known Member
So this is the first time i am growing indoor , (i have grown outdoor) with my dad .We are planning to grow on 40 plant ...already sprouted 27 and we want to grow without paying a huge sum of money for the eletricity .
We are planning of opening a window for air ventillation and a fan for aire circullation also my dad think of using only 2 fluoresent tube of 60 watt and 3 cfl of 60watt and i know that won't be too much light but it is his choice .
IF you have any option to suggest me about the lighting please do so :)


Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Sounds like it's not planned out very well. Maybe you can make it work as time goes by, you can see what may need to be added. It sounds like way to many little plants going on, and very weak lights. It's probably going to be alot of work with minimal results. No matter how you do it, it's going to take lots of time, so might as well do it as right as you can.
I would recommend using a small hps bulb for starters. 150 watt hps doesn't put out much heat and you would probably yield more if you put four plants under let's says 150 HPS rather than 20 plants under fluorescents.


Well-Known Member
What Will said. Get real on the light needed for so many plants. IF saving on electricity is the concern, then you need to invest in LEDs. But for 20 plants that won't be cheap.

Bottom line, you can't beat the plant's needs....

300W of CFL - yes about 4 plants. You will have huge stretch and no yield with so many. Plus, with CFL you need to keep them super close to the plant, especially in flower. So you would need tons of smaller Wattage bulbs to cover the plants.


Well-Known Member
Look at the light bill...1kw of juice here cost .17 per hour,so 1 600w hps x 12 hours=about 2 dollars x 80 days=160 bucks a run.
yield may be as high as 12oz or so.
You just made a profit here son!


Well-Known Member
As a rule of thumb I grow 6 plants under a 600w HPS light. I get perfect results. If you want to grow 25 plants you will need approx 3 of these, this also depends on space as well. How big is your grow room?
You cannot cut corners when expecting good results. You need to go back and think how many plants you want to grow under the lights you mention using because experience tells me you don't have enough light.


Well-Known Member
Personally think you should start small and get bigger/more after you've done a indoor grow fair play going for 40 plants you and your dad must be hardcore


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some 250 watt cfl for your scale I'd get a few of them for veg then flip them too a 600-1000 watts hps for flower there's my 2 pence I could be wrong look in the lighting section that should help you out a bit more


I will throw in my penny's worth as well. I agree with THE BRAIN and WILL, lighting is the key to a decent crop. You will get out of it what you put into it. Bite the bullet and get a better light system.


Active Member
Why dont u just buy 2/3 hps and flip early insted of vegging for weeks saves on elec then if stright 12/12 iwould never grow that many without hps u will be very upset when you could of got 500x more yeild with hps just for elec if u going to go big then its better to start small bout 5plants hps 600w and when u have done that 1 u can spend money for elec and then you can go B.I.G