First time indoor grower


What up? I was just looking for basic advice on indoor growing with CFLs. I have grown out doors for a number of years and decide to grow through winter, but have some basic questions.

I have a couple of pictures of what I got going right now.
I have 3 CFL's, 2 26 watt daylight (6500K) and 1 23 watt soft white. All running on 20 hrs on and 4 off. I plan on adding more as I go along. I'm thinking about adding 42 watt soft white CFl (2700k). My hidden grow room is at 78 and 80, I am keeping the lights close to the plant and watering when my top soil looks dry. The space I have my plant in, has a good draft (old house). I also crafted a CO2 releaser, I have it fermenting now, its a bottle with water, sugar and yeast to release CO2 off.

Ill post pix as I go along.

my questions are:
How long is my vegetation time indoors?
What is a good nutrient for vegetation? I know I want N P K, but what kind/product?
Do you have any other suggestions?



Well-Known Member
VERY nice stealth grow. I'm diggin it man.

You shud try and keep your plant nice and low. Do this by keeping the lights as close as possible. CFL's at that wattage can generally rund around 1" from the plant. Which will help to provide the leafs with the most energy and waste much less energy. So keep them no taller then give or take 20".

(Veg for around a month for me, but really depends on strain).

As for nutrients, every man has his pal, and every pal is different. So can't help you there buddy, each to our own :) If you asked everyone here you'd get hundreds of different answers.

EDIT: Get one with lots of micro-nutrients. I've found mine really lacked in magnesium so i had to add some epson salt to balance it.

My only other suggestion is a bump to myself really :P

Check this out if you've got the time, how to efficently use your cfl / grow space. Have a look. Don't know how much it'd benefit you because you've only got one plant going, but if you ever thought of increasing, it could help.


haha thanks, I thought it was a good spot and cover.

Ill check it out for sure, and for nutrients ill go to my local hydroponic store I think. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Well for my indoor grow Im using that Shultz 10 15 10 for veg and for flower Shultz 2 7 7 with great results and available at the HD or wal mart


Well-Known Member
previous poster is correct every one has an opinion about nutes, but I like Jacks Classic (nutes on a budget link in sig)

My advice is find and read all of Uncle Bens post before you spend any $$$

That is where I learned about Jacks Classic and DynaGro, my plant loves it!


I believe this is day 10, I have to double check. I think its coming along nicely though. I just gave it water this morning.

I have 4 CFLs on it. 1 26w Daylight CFL with circular attachment and 3 CFLs around it at the points of a triangle. There, I have 2 26w Daylight CFLs and 1 23w soft white CFL.

My temp is around 82, I'm not sure about humidity nor do I care. I have decided that I will increase the amount of light exposure for it. I had it running at 20/4 hours, I switched it yesterday to 20 hrs and 30 min and tomorrow Ill switch it to 21 and then continue the process till I reach 24 and see where I am at. I thought it would be good to try and mimic season light, Spring to Summer then I will gradually bring it down to 12, Fall. I hypothesis that this will ease any stress on the plant, because it is being done gradually. We will see...

I have also been doing the same thing with my nutrients. I have a gallon of water with a half a tsp of nute mixed in. I started by taking one shot of that and adding it to the water I have been giving it. Today I gave it regular water and in two days, if it needs watering again, I will add two shots of nutes to the water. and continuing the pattern of water and add nute + water. I have been checking my pH with my pool test sticks. It has stayed below 7.0 so I'm good there.

I also have 3 other seeds germinating just incase this turns out to be a male haha, I don't think it will though.



Active Member
I have only a couple suggestions for your grow, its looking good. First thing, make sure your pot has holes in the bottom for drainage, and do not buy a fertilizer higher in p than n. Also make sure your fertilizer does not contain trace elements, they will easily toxify your soil indoors.


I have only a couple suggestions for your grow, its looking good. First thing, make sure your pot has holes in the bottom for drainage, and do not buy a fertilizer higher in p than n. Also make sure your fertilizer does not contain trace elements, they will easily toxify your soil indoors.
I have been checking my pH every time I add the shot of nutes. The pot is a pot, drainages holes and all. Soil is standard.

Everything I have my botany bio, my nute is good. Another reason I am doing the gradual nute addition to the water is so my plant will use the soil nutes first, rich in N.