First Time Indoor Grower (4000W Basement Setup)


Well-Known Member
That's cool. There is only supposed to be one of us in the room at any given time anyways. LOL Too many of us and we get slapped with "unlawful assembly" LOL


Well-Known Member
Lol I was takin a drink of root beer as I started to read that n ended up spittin a bunch of soda on my phone cuz I couldn't hold in my laugh... thanks abm!


Well-Known Member
Free clones are never bad bro. But its sog all the way man scrog is much more fore the "i can only grow six at a time" type ya kno. I just tried scrog on my last grow about a month into flower I had to cut the screen n just space em out. Very tedious work for sure.u should build a wall section off a veg room. Oh n I was raised out in o.p off 44th n 14th
I'm over in Roseville! It's all about Scrog!!


Well-Known Member
Hey adower how many plants u scrog under one screen and how big a screen? I aint knokin scrogs but in the case here were a shit ton of plants are a factor I suggested sog. I turns around faster, much less tedious, and if done right a fat ass yeild. Dont get me wrong ive seen pound plus scrogs but time wise take alot longer. Lets see wat u got goin bro.


Well-Known Member
always exciting setting the stuff up your first time, 2 items I did not see listed air a/c and dehumidifier. items that are a must for a good grow quality


Well-Known Member
Hey adower how many plants u scrog under one screen and how big a screen? I aint knokin scrogs but in the case here were a shit ton of plants are a factor I suggested sog. I turns around faster, much less tedious, and if done right a fat ass yeild. Dont get me wrong ive seen pound plus scrogs but time wise take alot longer. Lets see wat u got goin bro.
It depends on what I am running. Indica dominant I run 6 under a 1k. Sativa dominant I run 4. I can throw some pics up later. I think SOG is definitely better for perpetual grows but SCROG for yield. I definitely agree with the scrog taking longer since you have to fill the screen. Not knocking SOG growing at all I just prefer SCROG :) My screen is 10' x 8'.

I just know that I wouldn't want to take care of a SOG grow. Too many plants and too much hassle for me :)

If I were southsac I would build two scroggs. 12 plants under each 2 lights.


Well-Known Member
Just sayin time is money. N yea id love to see a 10x8 screen full, seriously no sarcasm. How many lights u cover that with?


Well-Known Member
Just sayin time is money. N yea id love to see a 10x8 screen full, seriously no sarcasm. How many lights u cover that with?
Thats true but 99 plant or however many could = lots of time you know where :( I only use 2 1k's to fill the screen. I will throw a pic up tomorrow if its cool with the OP since its his thread.


Well-Known Member
Yea that tru. No one wants fed time. N yea we are takin space wit this sog vs scrog fork in the road.


Well-Known Member
Thats true but 99 plant or however many could = lots of time you know where :( I only use 2 1k's to fill the screen. I will throw a pic up tomorrow if its cool with the OP since its his thread.
I don't give two shits... I'd actually love to see ur setup so please do post. That's how I learn, from seeing other peoples setups n opinions on things...


Well-Known Member
always exciting setting the stuff up your first time, 2 items I did not see listed air a/c and dehumidifier. items that are a must for a good grow quality
I actually just setup a 12, 000btu portable ac/dehumidifier but haven't had to use it yet. My temps range from 70-84 on average the highest I've seen is 88. My humidity ranges from 45-50 during lights on and sometimes up to 60 during the night time. Normally our summers here are pretty dry so the outside humidity should drop thus lowering my room humidity since I pull fresh air in obviously. I have a 6" 435cfm (I think) fan pullin air out the room and that helps with the humidity as well.


Well-Known Member
I think both styles have their benefits. I honestly was leanin towards scrog because of a grow room I follow on another forum. If anyone wants a link to it shoot me a pm and ill send it to u, I don't wanna post it on here and piss anyone at riu off. But this guys operation will either make u strive to get urs on his level, or make u want to quit while ur not too far behind cuz urs will never amount to his lol... well it might not do that to everyone but that's wat I was thinkin when I saw it, its impressive stuff. 18k scrog with 4 plants per 1k in 3 gal pots straight coco pullin 2lbs per light with co2, a/c, and all that good stuff. Everything he grows is top shelf.


Well-Known Member
Yup its all in different opinion. Just say fuck it n start ur scrog under two lights n a few weeks before flower throw in a fat sog under the other two!be a good experament of both worlds.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit bro thar room was amazing! It isnt a scrog tho the trellis netting is for supporting all those branches n yea his room kinda makes u wana grab the ol weed whacker n go to work n then start all his room is pretty much self maintained scrog is more puzzling. I think doin the split room scrog n sog would be hands on learning for the deciding factor for the next grow.
Peace n thanks for ruining my little 1k grow lol jokn bro


Well-Known Member
... It isnt a scrog tho the trellis netting is for supporting all those branches ...
You're right... I went back n read it he said he lets em grow for like a week, ties down for like 4 days, unties, lets em go about another week then flips to flower, followed shortly by the trellis. I read page 1-30 in one sitting, I was bound to miss somehing. How even his canapoy is just blows my mind, and he doesn't even technically scrog n its still damn near perfect.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see that thread sounds interesting. IMO scrog is great, my last run I got 830 dry grams from one plant indoors using a scrog, this upcoming run to start around the first of the Month I'm hoping to get in excess of 1000 grams from a indoor plant.

For me scrog is easier then sog because it takes less time to water, less risk of bugs or other plant health problems, and larger buds. I think sog may yield some people better tho and has mobility benefits because you can't move a trellised plant


Well-Known Member
Damn I just hopped pages lookin at pics bro. The last scrog I sat on I read 78 pages and in the end the guy killed both his plants with some chemical we worked wit n got it in his hydro res. its wild how his grow so damn big in two weeks of veg. U could crowd surf that fuckn u gotta spend alot of bread to get set up like that.