First time home grow

Hi, I am a first time grower 18 and live with my parents. I currently have one plant growing, which is now 11 days in. Ive been cycling it so it gets as much light in a day as possible ( usually 8-8 ), then bringing it inside for another 4-6 hours so i usually put her to sleep about 1-2. Her strain is 60 day wounder and i have her set up in my closet inside of a box that I designed from house objects. Im using 2 13w 120vac lights sometimes only using one, with one from the top and one on the side. I also have a fan going on it at all times which i think she really loves.

I have another girl coming in a few days, i just planted her in soil yesterday because she already showed her nice long tail so ill have another one coming within the next few days.

Please give me some feedback about my setup or any tips I could get because this is my first grow and i have to be stealth because my mom would flip shit.

I have attached pictures some may be poor quality but there not bad.



Well-Known Member
Everything Looks good. I would say leave them outside as long as you can. Those 13 Watt CFL's wont do much good, except keep the plant alive basically. You need at least 12 hours of sun per day, or maybey a 150w HPS ( or if you must use CFL's, then get enough to provide at least 3,000 lumens per sq/ft)..... But if you can leave it outside in sun/ part sun for at least 12 hours a day (18 is optimun), then you'll be great.

Ive never done auto flowering seeds, but Im pretty sure Its at least 12 hours of good lighting. Good job man keep it up. Read as much as you can here on roll it up. The more you read the better you plants will do....

Current grow

Last grow - finished 1.5 LBS


Active Member
hey man

some things

1. an auto strain needs 18 hours - 20 hours a day, photo period plants need 18/6 to veg and 12/12 to flower, autos flower themselves after they get old enough, so using 18 or 20 hours of light a day will speed up growth and flower the plant

2. your lights are crap, sorry but they are, even if it grows with that amount of light you wont get much bud, remember more light= more bud.
can you maybe buy some higher wattage bulbs soon? 20watt cfl's, with 4 of them youll be doing great, and wont cost much

3. you mentioned you live with your parents? do they know? are they cool about it?
cos if not thatll change things

4. looking fine for now, dont over water, a common mistake, try not to mother them so much, i know its hard but thats what ive learned the best, leave them to do there thing

I have 2 autos arriving soon myself, so il be maybe a week behind you, lets grow together, see how we each get on, ive got a similiar setup, tho more room/ventilation/lights/nutes, but not a whole lot more, so you can see what ill achieve by investing maybe 80-120dollars

Grow on
I definitely agree about the lighting, I plan on going out in the next day or two and getting new ones once I get some money. My father knows and is cool with is but acts like he doesn't know, My mom knows i smoke a lot of dope but doesn't agree with it so I am trying to make sure she doesn't find out until my girl is strong enough to live outside which is the second part of my grow plan, Gorilla oping. Ill keep posting pictures with my progress as the days go buy, thanks for the feed back cheers.


Active Member
no problem, thats cool your dad is cool with it, even if mum founds it he will cool things down so dont worry there.
you could defo finish that indoors. unless you live somewhere nice or at a latitude that will supply enough light it may be worth it

this shows newyork, type in your location and itll show you how much hours of sun you get


Active Member
the new light is great, your sunlight isnt, in a month itll be lower, and lower again, by the time you put these outside might be not enough light for the autos, i dunno worth a shot
I dont have the space to flower them inside because i have a small room im looking for another spot inside but my mothers uptight about all this, interested to see her reaction if she catches on to the plant.


Active Member
best move outdoors so and try sweeten her around to you and your dads way of htinking, few plants indoors with a carbon filter and no smell
Trust me she doesnt or she would have already done something, I went to the store and they did not have alot of good bulbs but i got a duramax soft white 3300 lumens 200 watts, should i use this instead of my 2 13w 120vs?


Active Member
should be written on the bottom of the bulb base, or on the box no?

  • "Warm white" or "Soft white" (2700 K - 3000 K) provides a light very similar to that of an incandescent bulb, somewhat yellow in appearance;
  • "White", "Bright White", or "Medium White" (3500 K) bulbs produce a yellowish-white light, whiter than an incandescent bulb but still on the warm side;
  • "Cool white" (4100 K) bulbs emit more of a pure white tone; and
  • "Daylight" (5000 K - 6500 K) is slightly bluish-white.
you want 2700k for flowering, 6500k for veg, but can veg with 2700k aswell, so hope they are 2700k
One of them is a soft white the one im currently using, one of them sparkling clear?? Which bulb would you suggest im going to go out again just couldnt find the one i needed