First time guerilla grower need advice on where to grow

All i'm concerned about is where to grow, germinating my seeds at the moment and was considering planting near train tracks. Would it be a good idea to build on a slope down from the train tracks? I figured since no one really goes around train tracks, especially if i'm far down from the station and plant the plants where its not visible from the tracks.


Well-Known Member
might work, but the IDEAL spot would be in a clearing/field in the middle of a forest. at the end of it all u just gota trust your sences and plant where u feel its safe ;)


Well-Known Member
Plant in multiple spots. Betweeen pot thieves and pests like deer, etc. It's always good to have many spots. That way your chances of making it to harvest are increased. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
the headlights of trains passing may make your plants hermie, i would go there after dark and see if the light intrudes in on your spot! good luck, peace!


Well-Known Member
Maintenance workers up and down the tracks all the time. As long as your 20 ft or so away. Pricker bushes are great cover. You should be all set. Nothing to it but to do it.