First Time Growing


Day 1
Since this is my first time growing. I got some shit seed lol. Just to experiment I'm going to grow those. Noting: Seeds have germinated and I have moved them into a 2x3 inch pot with organic basic soil. Put seeds in about an inch in the soil and put water in with it. Got 160 watt incandescent bulbs. Getting two 100 watt CFL's later today. Put pot's in a 5.5 ft tall, 4 ft wide and a little over 6 ft in length. I have a regular cool air fan that moves side to side for ventilation. 1jsyet.jpg

Day 14: Will Add Later.


Active Member
Water the plants once every two days. When i started i did the typical mistake of thinking plants need to drink often. How much you give them depends on how big your pot is, how big they are, the temprature and humidity. Really a lot of factors but you will work out how much you need to give them after a while. For light you're set 100 watts per plant is good. If the soil you are buying is new potting mix you dont need to put it in the oven. By how long it takes i presume you mean to finish growing???? flowering usually takes 8-9 weeks whereas vegging can be done for as long as you want or not at all if you want to keep them really small and dont want to take clones. Can i suggest reading around some of the newbie stickies they answer all the questions that i really cant be bothered to answer. Good luck with your grow. :peace:


Water the plants once every two days. When i started i did the typical mistake of thinking plants need to drink often. How much you give them depends on how big your pot is, how big they are, the temprature and humidity. Really a lot of factors but you will work out how much you need to give them after a while. For light you're set 100 watts per plant is good. If the soil you are buying is new potting mix you dont need to put it in the oven. By how long it takes i presume you mean to finish growing???? flowering usually takes 8-9 weeks whereas vegging can be done for as long as you want or not at all if you want to keep them really small and dont want to take clones. Can i suggest reading around some of the newbie stickies they answer all the questions that i really cant be bothered to answer. Good luck with your grow. :peace:
Thanks man, I actually just bought like 2 2x3 inch pots to put them in. Also some new soil. Thanks for the tips. Will do. EDIT: I wiill probably do veg for a day or two. 24/0 I don't know if it will work. Hopefully it will. After the first couple days I'll start 12/12 just to keep them small. Would a fan in the closet help at all with the smell?


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda confused man.
You mentioned "regular" bulbs, and the numbers you threw out there also indicated incandescent bulbs.
Did I misunderstand?
If so, your results will be disappointing.
If those are CFL's, it will be plenty to veg with.
It could take anywhere from 5 to 10 days for the seeds to pop if you are germing them in soil
As far as tips, feel the weight of a dry cup/ pot of soil and use that as a reference for when to water, you can even mist the top of the soil if it feel dry but the cup is still heavy.
A lot of reading will serve you well, since it is obvious this is your first grow, and you're going to have common questions pretty much daily.


Active Member
A fan in the closet would help but you need to make sure that the smelly air has somewhere to go. Otherwise you will just be blowing smelly air around the closet. Ventilation is very important so open your closet door a little bit and have a fan blowing. More than the smell it is important to have fresh air for the plant to breathe.


I'm kinda confused man.
You mentioned "regular" bulbs, and the numbers you threw out there also indicated incandescent bulbs.
Did I misunderstand?
If so, your results will be disappointing.
If those are CFL's, it will be plenty to veg with.
It could take anywhere from 5 to 10 days for the seeds to pop if you are germing them in soil
As far as tips, feel the weight of a dry cup/ pot of soil and use that as a reference for when to water, you can even mist the top of the soil if it feel dry but the cup is still heavy.
A lot of reading will serve you well, since it is obvious this is your first grow, and you're going to have common questions pretty much daily.
Now I got 160 watt incandescent bulbs. I am covering the pot with plastic wrap for a condensation type thing. Would 160 watt work? If not I'll try to get CFL's.


A fan in the closet would help but you need to make sure that the smelly air has somewhere to go. Otherwise you will just be blowing smelly air around the closet. Ventilation is very important so open your closet door a little bit and have a fan blowing. More than the smell it is important to have fresh air for the plant to breathe.
It doesn't have much smell since it isn't dank but I could open the door and window? Considering plants need air. I'm just worried a mist bottle won't be enough water.


Active Member
Now I got 160 watt incandescent bulbs. I am covering the pot with plastic wrap for a condensation type thing. Would 160 watt work? If not I'll try to get CFL's.
Sorry man i understood you had cfls. No incandescent bulbs will not work because most of the energy they give off is heat. Definately try to get cfls. Around 200 watts...thats true watts not equivelant watts.

Monster Man

Well-Known Member
If youre using low wattage lights I would suggest using compact flourescent lights instead of regular incandescent lights. You will get way more lumens and therefor more growth. Watering every 2 days might be a bit too much. You want to let the soil dry out a bit and not keep the roots constantly soaked. As for light schedule try 18/6 for veg as you will have to wait atleast a month for your plants to show signs of sex. Pants have to mature before you can start flowering them. You cant grow a seed and start flowering it after a week, it takes more time then that.


A fan in the closet would help but you need to make sure that the smelly air has somewhere to go. Otherwise you will just be blowing smelly air around the closet. Ventilation is very important so open your closet door a little bit and have a fan blowing. More than the smell it is important to have fresh air for the plant to breathe.
It doesn't have much smell since it isn't dank but I could open the door and window? Considering plants need air. I'm just worried a mist bottle won't be enough water. I will add a picture in a second.


Active Member
im sorry i didnt mean to say that you can start flowering right away more that you can do 12/12 light from seedling and your plants with flower as soon as they are mature.


im sorry i didnt mean to say that you can start flowering right away more that you can do 12/12 light from seedling and your plants with flower as soon as they are mature.
I'm actually going to get some CFL's soon. I'm getting 2 100 watt CFL's. :) I have the fan blowing air around and out the door through the window once I get the CFL's I'm going to do a 24/0 for 2 days. How big do you think the plant will get if I ndo 24/0 for 2 days and then 12/12 for the rest of the time? Watering once a week. I'm scared the soil is going to be too dry at the bottom of the pot considering I'm using a mist sprayer with fertilizer in it.

Monster Man

Well-Known Member
misting your plants is good but you mainly want to keep an eye on the soil. Healthy roots is a healthy plant


Well-Known Member
Have you ever tried 12/12 from seed? Im curious about the results
Not as good as they would be if you veg even for 2 weeks, but you'll still get some.
Check out my thread-link in my sig.
I vegged for 30 days, used only CFL's and just pulled a hair over 10 oz. wet weight.


Not as good as they would be if you veg even for 2 weeks, but you'll still get some.
Check out my thread-link in my sig.
I vegged for 30 days, used only CFL's and just pulled a hair over 10 oz. wet weight.
Honestly, how long do you think I should veg? I was thinkin 24/0 for 2 days but I dont think that would get me much considering you vegged for 30 days and got over 10 oz.


Well-Known Member
Not as good as they would be if you veg even for 2 weeks, but you'll still get some.
Check out my thread-link in my sig.
I vegged for 30 days, used only CFL's and just pulled a hair over 10 oz. wet weight.
B, take him under you're wing and show him the way ;)


Well-Known Member
Honestly, how long do you think I should veg? I was thinkin 24/0 for 2 days but I dont think that would get me much considering you vegged for 30 days and got over 10 oz.
I really don't think you would be able to tell the difference between 2 days veg and straight 12/12 from seed.
2 weeks would help some if you're really impatient, but 30 days or 4 weeks would be a happy medium.
Some guys even veg longer than that, and the 2 plants I am germing now, I plan to veg 45 days or more, and put into 12/12 around the end of April.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually going to get some CFL's soon. I'm getting 2 100 watt CFL's. :) I have the fan blowing air around and out the door through the window once I get the CFL's I'm going to do a 24/0 for 2 days. How big do you think the plant will get if I ndo 24/0 for 2 days and then 12/12 for the rest of the time? Watering once a week. I'm scared the soil is going to be too dry at the bottom of the pot considering I'm using a mist sprayer with fertilizer in it.
Dude they don't need no fert. at this time.

In two days under 24/0, you should see some growth but it wont be nothing to write back home about..go at least 2 weeks with veg time, but on the other hand people on here get some nice results with 12/12, look around use the "Search" option on this forum and you'll find lots and lots of nice threads to read. Good Luck on your grow.

Like B said try to get a dry pot/cup see how it feels and you can go by that, or you can stick your finger about an inch into your soil and see if it's dry or not.