first time growing


Im gonna start growing soon, probably 6 plants. I live with my parents, so ill be finding a good spot outside to grow away from my house. Any tips and answers to my questions would be very helpful. Ill be using bagseed this time from my friend, because i have never ever gotten a seed in my bags. Canada ftw :)
If it works out well Ill use some good seeds I can buy online.

1. When should i start the grow? I live in Calgary, AB.
2. How often should I be watering/checking up on it?
3. When will it be done and how will I be able to tell?
4. Any other tips are appreciated!


Well-Known Member
You should check once a day, just to make sure nothing bad is happening, if it's complicated every 2-3 days.
You should water only when they need, if you start with smaller pots you won't have to water alot.
When the soil feels dry on the surface and an inch or two deep you can water until you see a little water coming out from the drainage holes.

Can't really tell when it will be done since it's a bagseed, but once it goes into flower it can take any where from 5-6 weeks up to 13-14 weeks..

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Can't really say when I good start would be but I know someone close by you that may have an far as the best way to tell if its done I'd get a pocket microscope so you can check your trichs.. there is one in the grow room setup and design I believe is like 10bucks with shipping works great I have bought 3 lol happy growing!


ya grow indoors hahaha jk bro do whatever you like. if your going to grow outdoors then start growing in march and grow throughout summer thats the grow season for outdoor plants ask around too because I may be wrong since I live in a different area. another thing is you need to get something to keep pests away cuz you can get spider mites and that could end up taking out your entire crop. its up to you what you want to use you could grow organic and use organic products to keep the pests away or use chemicals, be wise and research the chemicals if you use any cuz that could also kill your plants or damage them if you use the wrong kind. good luck on your first grow hope it turns out dank.


Thanks for the help guys! Is march 27th a good day to plant them? My birthday :D anyways, the weed im getting the seeds from is some alright dank, but the 2x ive smoked it its been really dry and tasted like absolute shit, but got me baked as fuck like dissocation. I was thinking either mids laced with pcp, cause both times the weed was grounded. Or just uncured daaank. Doesnt matter, if it was laced it wont effect the seeds. Im thinking the laced part because it has alot of seeds and stems, and ive never gotten a single seed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys! Is march 27th a good day to plant them? My birthday :D anyways, the weed im getting the seeds from is some alright dank, but the 2x ive smoked it its been really dry and tasted like absolute shit, but got me baked as fuck like dissocation. I was thinking either mids laced with pcp, cause both times the weed was grounded. Or just uncured daaank. Doesnt matter, if it was laced it wont effect the seeds. Im thinking the laced part because it has alot of seeds and stems, and ive never gotten a single seed.
Lmao if it was laced it wouldn't have anything to do with seeds and stems that's poor growing conditions that would cause that horrible taste means it probably wasn't flushed right, or could have been quick dried..also you shouldn't get seeds unless it was accidentally pollinated...


Well-Known Member
Thanks, anybody elses opinions?
OK, I'm in Canada and I know a bit about growing here, no expert though, 'specially outside.
Your bagseed is unlikely to finish before frost kills it. You need autoflowering strains to grow so far North.
You start your seeds a few weeks before setting them outside after danger from spring frost is over. That date can be obtained from Environment Canada's web site.
Here's a good seed source in Vancouver to get a few autoflowering strains.

A good strain to try is:



Well-Known Member
i can help ya out a lil bit kush autos and anything that flowers fast is what you need its harder to grow there you know cal-city crazy weather i would say start them inside make some clones find a nice place, i would stay a way from the new areas they grow to fast going to be hard to find a spot thats not used for much trust me its hard. keep a eye on her cuz weather again might have to water every 3 days some times it may take 6 days. as a outdoor guy in the same area if its not in your back yard your going to have to pick a spot you can go to with out ppl seeing ya and its hard to find water so you might have to bring it in with you tape on bottom of shoes cops look at the city the same way we do for outdoor. luck is a good thing to have but after 4 of 5 grows in the city you will switch to inside cuz plants have a hard take geting tho the whole grow. some years we can grow tell nov some tell oct but most the time cut off for out door is in sep this year and last year were the best grow seasons we ever had. cal-city is best for indoor bc is best for outdoor. hope this helps a bit


Well-Known Member
best bet for seeds is to go to Hempisphere or hemp roots and get some quality seeds

o ya dont use white pots if you use pots cal-citys soil sucks so u will have to bring some in and make your own you can use the soil but add lots of perlite vermiculite guano and castings
o ya start in may or june after last frost
last edit in cal-city clones are not hard to find of crazy shit im a kush man so all i deal with is kush kush kush sounds funny but alot of ppl trade and sell clones hear might take time to get in the loop but once your in just about any thing you want to grow you can get clones of i tryed the seeds for a bit then found i can get the same in city and cloned and rooted for like free or 5 bucks. see if i know you i would just link you some clones but never know might be a cop


Well-Known Member
o ya welcome to roll it up and i hope it will be as useful to you as it has been for me the community is vary helpful and knowledgeable


Well-Known Member
thanks, but i would rather not buy seeds my first grow, too much could go wrong. But ill look into it.
yeah, I figured that would be your response.
Anyways I've lived in Calagary a few weeks (hated it !) not a lot of places where you could grow without 6 foot plants wouldn't stick out like a hard on.


you live in calgary clouds? And im not a cop rofl. But its alright, and one of my guys only deals kush, the other only kush but occasionally green crack.


Well-Known Member
naw mean lol your guy sounds like one of my guys never a big fan of the green crack tho lol if you know some one near saddleridge area you can get clones ez lots of ppl there you will get clones ez. you can get some from the coogi crue 2 there so ez to find they were coogi clothing head to toe coogi hat pants shirt and hoodies best purple and black kush clones i have seen crazy good and they are cheep 5 bucks a clone and there clones are all organic so is there weed they sell good crisp clean smoke