First time growing

so i finally decided to grow its my first time so we'll see what happens. i found a plant in the backyard kinda resembles weed but it also could be false aralia not sure. the plant i found is the only one showing the other pot has a germinated seed in it i just put it in today. thats about it for now ill post pics of my setup and everything feel free to leave any advice or anything and if someone can confirm that the plant is mj and not false aralia that would be greatly appreciated i dont wanna waste my time growing a plant thats not weed. thank you

Edit: i personally did not think its weed my friend saw it and said it was i told him its a lot different and i have researched a lot more than you think. like everyday i look up this stuff for 2-3 hours sometimes more my friends grow so i have been around plants and ive been smoking for years. i may be a noob but i do do my research. i have nutes and testers: pH, N, K and P



Well-Known Member
haha anything you find in your back yard is not weed. you need to do some more research before you start growing. Read everything on this website and then if you still have questions, post them. It takes months of background research before you're even near ready to start growing. Even if you think you are, you're not. Things happen during the grow that you may not be prepared for and it can screw your entire grow.
every light is from the hood of a fish tank i just unscrewed the parts that i needed its just 1 long tube cfl not really sure the watts or anything the writing is rubbed off then i have a white 50 watt cfl 4100k and im not sure about the purple one its a cfl but no writing on it either


Well-Known Member
You need to throw those away. Your plants can't use that spectrum. You need daylight (6500K) and soft white (2700K) bulbs. daylight for veg, soft white for flower. I'm tellin you dude, unless you research some more, you won't be happy with your grow. Not to overly-criticize or anything. Did you check out the new grower's forum?
i looked at it a while ago im only using these lights till i can upgrade i wanna get hps lights but i dont have the money for that ive been trying to get lucky and looking on craigslist for some better lights for kinda cheap


Well-Known Member
Just get some cheap CFL's for now. The light bulbs in your house are most likely soft white. That's better than nothing.
i just went and looked at the lights again the long cfl does say daylight on it. im just ganna go to ace or something and get a cool white and a warm white cfl