First Time Growing


Well-Known Member
Is there any way to fix it
You may be able to put it back on an 18/6 schedule and chop everything off except a couple of lower bud sites and some leaves. You can revert back to veg & build her back up. Hopefully she will reveg for you. Once she gets some branching back in you can flip her to a 12/12 schedule & try again.


Well-Known Member
You could keep it all to make it a little easier, I would just think it’d get too tall eventually if you get new growth from up top.


New Member
I'm giving it FoxFarms because that what cousin was giving it so should just give it less nutrient or don't give it any nutrient at all

go go kid

Well-Known Member
KEEP IT SIMPLE. JUST PUT THE LIGHTS BACK ON TO 24/0 TO 18/6 AND WAIT FOR HER TO START GROWING AGAIN. oops, it wont take long (3 weeksish) to notice new growth coming on.
then you can start to think about chopping her, use the bits you chop off as cuttings, if they take great, if not, never mind, nothing lost, everything to gain
wait untill the leaves start to go yellow, its not the best way to learn, but your going to have plenty of plant matter to work with once it starts growing again, and it will use up the nitrogen in it to grow


Well-Known Member
Don't chop, let it ride. But DO NOT feed for the forseeable future. Ocean Forest is hot enough, and the FF nutes should never be used more than half the recommended strength, I use less than half myself. You can't get rid of the burn thats there, but if you stop feeding the plant could recover somewhat at least. You could try flushing with water to clear out the excess nutes/salts in the soil, but you do not want to start a cycle of overwatering. If you do this, flush well and let it dry out before watering again


Well-Known Member
Start a backup plant or two.

Looks revegged and mutated. Not sure if worth the effort - looks like you were stripping leaf and stems from it too.