First time growing: Yellow & Dying.


I've been through Google and forums and I really suspect that my plant is suffering from lack of Nitrogen But I cannot really confirm if that is true.

She is 30+ day old, still in veg stage and is under CFLs. Only the big fan leaves are yellowing and dying. The rest of the plant is growing strong.

I really need some feedback and/or tips on what might be the issue here and how can I help her get better and green again.

Peace. J


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Get some liquid kelp and fish fert @ Home Depot and do a lil foliar feed. You can also add to soil it wont burn. Fish fert is @ 5-1-1 Kelp is like 0.13-0-0.60 on the NPK. Hope this helps.
what type of soil? and are you feeding tap water or filtered and have you been phing the water?
I'm using filtered water with a PH 7.0

I have not fed my girl until yesterday, I have been using compost soil that I've got from a supermarket.

I did add a layer of fresh compose soil and gave her a little feeding yesterday. As to what the fertilizer contains I'm not very sure. It's not stated on the bottle. Just hoping it works. Gonna keep an eye out.

Another thing is how will I know if the plant is no longer lacking in nutrients and is all healthy again.

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One more thing, is it alright to feed every time I water with light nutes. Or Should I alternate feeding and just water?

I will feed her Or water her once I feel that the pot feels light.
That old supermarket soil is causing this, not a major issue, increase the feed by 20%. Next time use a quality coco mix fed with quality hydro nutes and they will be green from top to bottom , start to finish.
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New medium would be wise, ALWAYS ph before feeding to your plants. I wouldnt suggest using any fertilizer that doesnt state what is in the bottle.
New medium would be wise, ALWAYS ph before feeding to your plants. I wouldnt suggest using any fertilizer that doesnt state what is in the bottle.

I would really like to get my hands on some fertilizer that clearly states the actual amount. Unless I order them online. Which sometimes can be a pain.

I'll try looking for some.

Peace. ;)

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I think she looks alot better today

But those leaves that are yellow are still yellow. I'm not sure of they will bounce back to it's green.

Good thing this the rest of the plant looks better.


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Your good to go now bro. Those leaves that are brown don't bother they'll fall off on there own.

thanks bro for being here, i was just thinking the same thing if the leaves are dead or dying should i pluck them out.
but then i've read it somewhere where the plants will use up all the energy from those leaves to help the other parts of the plants to grow.