first time growing... using cfls for now


Active Member
hi there everyone i've got a question i built a grow cabinet and with the 8 Cfls 40w each on and the intake and exhaust fan running my average temperature is 78.6 but when my lights are off it only drops to 75.2 are my temperatures to close together or can i make this work?

i appreciate all the help in advance

plant is 9 days old today from the day it poped threw the soil



Active Member
how many plants and how far are the lights from it? can you post any pictures?
To add to this, the best way for CFL's to tell if they are burning the plant is to put your hand between the light and the plant. If it's substantially hot, chances are the plant is warm.

and with such a low temperature in the room, the only reason to worry about burning the plants is if the humidity is INSANELY low.


Active Member
my lights are 1.5 inches from my plants i got 2 plants . . . they are on thier 3rd set of adult leaves and areo nly 3 inches high havent allowed them to strech its growing somewhat bushy ill get pics soon for yas


Active Member
added a couple pictures for who asked me to post. nothing special just shows the health and height of the plant.... this plant is 9 days old since sprouting threw the soil


Active Member
get bigger cfl 105watts 2 on top on in middle

peece oot
Most people iv talked to who grow with CFL's recommend many small lights.
This has the advantage of more light spread and penetration and is SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper as lower powered CFLs are more commercially available. it works for me.

But addressing the OP's original question I have heard wisps and rumours that a temperature difference of around 10 degrees (celcius, sorry im irish) is desirable as this is what the plants are exposed to in nature, but i haven't really seen any evidence to back it up.. plan to test the theory out on my next grow.

looking forward to the pics aswell :)


Active Member
well the way i got my lights set up is i got 1 6500k then a 2700k then a 6500k and so on with 8 lights total (4 6500k) (4 2700k) just experiementing more than anything. if it works even better haha pictures are on at the top of first page:leaf:


Active Member
well the way i got my lights set up is i got 1 6500k then a 2700k then a 6500k and so on with 8 lights total (4 6500k) (4 2700k) just experiementing more than anything. if it works even better haha pictures are on at the top of first page:leaf:
experimenting is what i like to hear :P i would consider tipping the balance abit for the different stages tho.


Active Member
not trying to play dumb or anything but what to you mean by that? just "pinching" the top off where the new leaves are starting to show ?


Active Member
not trying to play dumb or anything but what to you mean by that? just "pinching" the top off where the new leaves are starting to show ?
sorry, didnt make myself clear, my bad.
I meant maybe use more 6500k for veg then 2700k.
I like to mix up my lights aswell but i have found my plants do better during veg with more 6500k then 2700k.

What you thought i meant is 'topping'.
Out of interest do you plan to top, fim, lst or hst at all?


Active Member
i dont think i plan to do any fim'ing or lst might try topping perhaps undecided tho. i got 5 feet of grow room so maybe ill leave one plant and top the other see the difference on the yield from each plant..;-)


Active Member
i dont think i plan to do any fim'ing or lst might try topping perhaps undecided tho. i got 5 feet of grow room so maybe ill leave one plant and top the other see the difference on the yield from each plant..;-)
one thing to remember is that from what iv read you can expect a sativa to double in size during flowering and an indica to double or More during flowering. not positive on this as on my last (and first) grow i LST and didnt pay much attention to the growth so cant confirm it.

my plants took very very well to topping. most of my plants are two headed beasts after ;P

you should get some good growth with the amount of light your using. what nuts if any are you planning to use?


Well-Known Member
one thing to remember is that from what iv read you can expect a sativa to double in size during flowering and an indica to double or More during flowering. not positive on this as on my last (and first) grow i LST and didnt pay much attention to the growth so cant confirm it.

my plants took very very well to topping. most of my plants are two headed beasts after ;P

you should get some good growth with the amount of light your using. what nuts if any are you planning to use?
Yep Mikeyboy
my white widow nearly tripled in size from the start of 12/12 till it stopped vertical growth. It went from 14 inches to 40. LOL