First time growing organic, need help with mycorrhizae


New Member
Hey yall im doing an organic outdoor autoflower grow for the first time. I picked up a bag of potting soil that similar to FF ocean forest and a bag of granular mycorrhizae. I plan on using boogie brew compost tea mainly along with a few liquid biological amendments. Ive never used mycorrhizae before and im worried ill harm my plants somehow because autoflowers are so sensitive and ive never grown them this way. What should i be doing/looking out for when applying this? Any tips are much appreciated im still building my organic knowledge. I attached some pictures of the liquid nutes and stuff. Thanks guys!



No worries. When you transplant give roots a good soak in small pot she is in then plop pot into big pot & pack soil around pot. Now give her a squeeze & tap her out of little starter pot. Coat roots quickly & hole with mico plop her in & seat her down. I always water her & big pot before any transplanting. Make sure she is ready to transplant. Now water her again with your nutes. Alternatively no transplant. Direct sow but no nutrients 3 weeks. Bingo. Water her daily slowly around pot. Avoid dumping in one spot. Once well into flower. I let her dry 3 days. Then slowly fully wet her. Do this 3 times making sure all parts of pot are wet. Give organic tea after each drying period. Cannabis hates wet feet so be sure she can drain. Tell nobody, show nobody. When hairs are all nicely curled & orange or some other colour she be ready.


Well-Known Member
I pour my leftover water with Recharge (myco) onto my outdoor plants all the time. They love it like the girls do. Myco is pure good just follow directions


Well-Known Member
Hey yall im doing an organic outdoor autoflower grow for the first time. I picked up a bag of potting soil that similar to FF ocean forest and a bag of granular mycorrhizae. I plan on using boogie brew compost tea mainly along with a few liquid biological amendments. Ive never used mycorrhizae before and im worried ill harm my plants somehow because autoflowers are so sensitive and ive never grown them this way. What should i be doing/looking out for when applying this? Any tips are much appreciated im still building my organic knowledge. I attached some pictures of the liquid nutes and stuff. Thanks guys!
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