First Time growing need help !!! PLEASE HELP Plant is getting worse and worse



    • Hey there guys im new to growing. Its my first plant, shes a nothernligh x big bud autoflower feminized. Shes 5 weeks old and looked very healthy until a couple days ago. Some things you should know about my grow: Its a closet grow and not very high tech. i have a desk ventilator blowing air out from the back of the closet and an oscillating fan blowing at the plant. (closet shelf isnt big enough to blow over the plant). I have 2 30 watt cfl (they say one is as strong as 132 watt)(cool white, warm white). I use fertilizer that has like a 10-6-4 (not quite sure forgot) and its the fertilizer that you put onto the soil and when you water it it dilutes. (youll see in the picture). Shes started to turn brown on the top on sunday
      Top: it had a little purple too (but i think thats part of the indica strain) Bottom: some leafs are like really bright green, some are tried out, and a couple have rips in the leafs. Please give me some advice!!! Id really appreciate it and the more detailed the answer the better. Also the stems where the second and third bud (i think) from the top are lokated have gotten really thin. They used to be thick and strong but now it looks like somebody pinched them really hard. (this was on sunday)

      My plant is getting worse and worse!!!
      Today (wednesday) she looks like she is about to die. Almost all the outer leaves turned brown and dried out. I was told it was overwatering (since i watered every day and fertilized every other which ive been told was way too much). I havent watered the plant for 4 days now but shes not improving just getting way worse!! What can i do the temp is at 78. The soil is almost dry but im wating for it to fully dry before watering again. Idk what to do please help.


            • IMG_0831.jpg




Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the fertilizer balls did it. No one uses them, they're a pain in the ass, just buy some nutes that you add to water. Transplant fast in to a weak soil, give it a good watering and hope that it recovers. Don't add those balls never again.

no clue

Well-Known Member
Dude..don't give it more nutes. You are trying to help it but you're choking it to death with nutes. Water if it is dry..not on a schudule but when the pot is dry. Do your pots have drain holes? If not drill some. If this plant dies maybe try growing tomatoes or something before you try MJ again. Plant may be history


Well-Known Member
^^ Fuck tomatoes, Transplant NOW, dude!!!!!ONEONE
you may get a joint outta that :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Get it outa that dirt and away from that fertilizer. Just give pH water in new pot. Those leaves are toast but hopefully new growth will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Id transplant immediately, and give it some water with a bit of super thrive in it


Active Member
wow, i'd start over the time its gunna take to recover u cud grow a plant tht size..sorry man..ditch those nute balls even $5 liquid miracle grow will work better. its not worth the time its gunna take to get tht baby back on track.


Active Member
That plant looks horrid. Your making things harder than ever. Just get some good composted soil, add just a little(key word little) slow release all purpose fert (101010, 202020 whatever) mix small amount of perlite and peat moss and your good to go till a couple weeks into buds. Then use some peters 202020 with water till done. All ferts should be use in very small amounts that is the key. VERY LITTLE FERTILIZER. Don't give up you got this man!


Well-Known Member
Why did you put so much on bro? i cant see the soil thru the nutes!. What a job it did on that plant ,burned the fuck out of it after watering. Next time always read the instructions on the pack.


ok first of all thanks for all your support, really appreciate it guys!! well im moving soon so i dont have the option to start over again. I already took off all the nute balls and am going to re pot it tomorrow into gardening soil that doesnt have any/few nutes and growth stuff in it.

Also i have another question: Should i prune the plant? bc ive heard that clipping off unnecessary leaves will give your plant more energy towards the leaves that are important (thinking that if i clip off the dead leaves itll have more energy), but also the burnt leaves are like a storage for the overdose of nutes and clipping off leaves will stress the the plant even more and give the plant an even greater nute overdose. please give me some advice and if any of these assumptions are incorrect please tell me. (trying to become the best grower i can)

PS: I didnt kill my plant on purpose, my plant was just doing so good in the beginning that i became too eager and over nurtured my baby.


Well-Known Member
It's common to "over love" your plants when you're first starting out. At least you've learned a valuable lesson. Any leaves that are over 75% brown you might as well remove. If you can correct the soil issues, plants are usually pretty resilient. You might get something out of it yet. Read all the "stickies" on the forum. There is a ton of knowledge there.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Those time release balls are good, i use em on in my indoor plants where my regular fertilizers would stink. your pot needs a cluster of pellets the size of a dime, they dissolve slowly when you water over time. you only add more when the plant says she wants more.

if you can wash the root ball clean in a bathtub of lukewarm water (room temp, not hot!) then repot into a clean soil you can save her. any leaf more than 50% damaged should be pruned, but only leaves, not branches. after re-potting keep the lights a little farther away till she straightens up then bring the lights back in to 2-4 inches from the foliage.

good luck, and next time, dont add more fertilizer till the last batch is gone and she starts getting slightly pale leaves on her lower branches.


ok i repotet it but she got stressed by that and now the main stem is starting to bend. i tied her straight with a stick but idk its looking prettey bad. If take all the leaves and branches and cut them up to make hash oil or something will that work? or is it too late for that? or do normal leaves dont have that much thc?