first time growing mushrooms and confused

Breaking up the bag needs to be considered a personal preference option - you need to remember that unless you spawned from cloned material, even though it all looks like the same white fluffy mycelium, you're looking at many different mushroom colonies in that bag (each spore pair creates its own organism with its own slightly different DNA) each expanding to take up their own territory on the substrate and they don't necessarily share their nutrients and such as one. If you break them up you're separating each one into lots of little ones and mixing them up. In my experience, too much mixing can lead to a plethora of tiny colonies that barely have the energy to produce decent fruit. Also, breaking them up will stun them a bit and it can take a few days to recover and start growing again. If you're working from cloned material, absolutely break it up because it will just grow back together. If you're going to transfer your grain to a bulk sub (which is a good idea), then break it up when you do that, there's lots of bulk sub for each bit to grow into. But to answer your question: generally, once you've broken it up, a lot of the little white hairs tend to break up and disappear and it looks a lot more like rye again, the mycelium is still alive and well inside each rye berry.
OK yeah it's gonna be going to bulk eventually imma try breaking it up this time and see how it works out hopefully I didn't break it up to much
Nabbers answered the same as I would. Break it all up when you spawn to bulk but as a general rule once the bag or jar or whatever is completely consumed by white mycellium it's about another week to allow for consolidation & should be ok to spawn. Some of the myc may look just frosted on the rye berries but will be fine that way. It's better to wait a bit longer than to try & spawn to bulk too early. I've even had pins growing in the bag or jars when I spawn to h/poo.
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Yeah they already have there white back but I broke them up in the bags following the "break them up when 70-75% colonized to speed up the last bit of colonization they will recover in three days to a week or so" I saw some bruising and freaked out thinking I ruined the one bag because I didn't know it was brilusing at the time now I'm just worried there not gonna recover I keep looking for the stuff but just find how to colonize or how to make spawn bags not what I did
Bruising is normal. Even dunking your sub between flushes is going to cause bruising. Trust me, you'd have to try to kill your myc - keep your temps right and they'll be fine. Cleanliness / preventing contams is by far the bigger concern,but that shouldn't be a problem either as long as you don't open your bags until they're completely colonized.
So does this look OK so far? I'm seeing pins again after putting it into this but I feel like there should be more in the middle instead of on the sides? And it smells really sweet to is that normal1469385541754.jpg
OK cool I do have a few pins already growing but there mainly around the edge minus the one in the middle, is that normal and what about the smell? I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything really it went from a earthy like smell to really sweet
I don't see any contamination in there. Does look a little on the dry side. I would give it a good misting then leave that tub till the whole pinset is in.
Yeah I do mist it but idk how much would be to much plus with pins forming already lots of ppl say misting them will cause them to abort
No misting wont cause them to abort, you want a fine mist on the surface of the sub. if there isnt any mist it.

i dont mist my tubs at all, once i spawn them i open them when i harvest. set and forget type mono. if it dries out to fast adjust your polyfill a little tighter.

check how to dial a tub in.



pasted of shroomery here is the link

try get your tub to look exactly the same moisture content as that one....

fuck i hope i'm making sense.....
Yeah I think so I'm have it too where it gets good moisture on the lid part but I don't have it in a mono tub I have it in a little
Shoe box so not sure if it will
Stay like that once these pins get to big for the lid to be on
Yeah I think so I'm have it too where it gets good moisture on the lid part but I don't have it in a mono tub I have it in a little
Shoe box so not sure if it will
Stay like that once these pins get to big for the lid to be on

Can't you find a tote somewhere that is just a little bigger than your sub?

Carefully drop the sub in the tote and make a monotub?

I don't know if you will get the right amount of FAE and RH in a shoe box.
No I don't have any thing else at the moment I thought it would have been big enough before I put everything in it and what's fae and rh again I'm terrible with remembering abbreviations for stuff
Oh I open it up at least five times a day and mist the top of it so I think it has pretty good humidity

try get a tote, your pinset and yeild is going to suffer. i don't know how your going to keep giving it FAE.

Opening it up and misting it often is risky as there is a possibility that contamination can land on the sub.

I try to not open my tubs at all so they stay clean, I get 3 Good flushes before my tubs contaminate.
try get a tote, your pinset and yeild is going to suffer. i don't know how your going to keep giving it FAE.

Opening it up and misting it often is risky as there is a possibility that contamination can land on the sub.

I try to not open my tubs at all so they stay clean, I get 3 Good flushes before my tubs contaminate.

also the opening and misting disturbs the micro climate inside the tote and has to build the micro climate again after you close the lid. hope this makes sense.
Oh ok is there any way I can get them to grow in the middle BTW all I'm getting so far is stuff along the edges and that one in the middle