First time growing journal


hey guys i am a newbie:bigjoint: to growing and i dunno if i am doing this right i have a simple set up i have 3 florescent lights over the plants i have 1 computer fan blowing by them i am doing 18-6!! i am about 1 week into it they are pretty tall they are standing great!!! i just need to no if i am don't anything wrong:sad: i don't want my babies :weed:to die : / well here are some pics they are lil fuzzy cant find my camera power cord but best i can do for now this is only two of them i have 5 i will post more pics some time soon :lol: tia all comments are welcome :-P



Well-Known Member
Your light is too far away/you don't have enough light. See how long and stretchy the stems look? its from a lack of lumens. Bury them a couple more inches down and get your lights closer. You can put a floro about 2-3 inches away as long as it's not too hot. If you don't correct this you will have super lengthy, with fewer bud sites at the end.


Your light is too far away/you don't have enough light. See how long and stretchy the stems look? its from a lack of lumens. Bury them a couple more inches down and get your lights closer. You can put a floro about 2-3 inches away as long as it's not too hot. If you don't correct this you will have super lengthy, with fewer bud sites at the end.
i put them in new cups and buried them deeper so i took more pictures to show what i did. i also added another fluorescent bulb to help they look like they are doing great :bigjoint:
i came on here about the same thing a couple of weeks ago but no one would help me :wall: but thanks for the input i hope this is better :leaf:



i just have a question to any one who will answer it i noticed that one of my plants leaves ends are turning yellow? but there is another one in the same cup that is as green as can be why is that? any help will be appreciated!!:leaf: