first time growing in almost 10 years. your suggestions appreciated!


New Member
Hello everyone! I've grown a few times before and it worked out well, and I'm finally able to get back into this wonderful part of life I've missed. My previous grows were small... the most i've had at one is 6 or 7. I used 1000w metal halide and HPS lights, using the SCROG method, in soil only. Because of my career, I reluctantly had to push back and separate myself from THC completely. I'm retiring now, so I immediately decided to catch up and learn what I've missed to get back in what will likely be my next career, medicinal marijuana botany. That's the term I'll use.. I'm sure some people will call me a pot farmer, but either way - I'll be doing what I love and need.

The following is what I'm using to get started - please let me know what you think I may need to know, or add for supplies:

10 seeds of Zeus (not feminized)
540w advanced spectrum LED light
5 Gl smart pots
organic potting soil
Apollo 48x48 grow tent
Homegrown CO2

I will do the SCROG method again, since I know that it works well, if you spend the time to do it right. I will likely move into a hydro grow on the next round, but I know nothing about hydro, and need to do research before I move on. I've done it well in soil previously, so I'm sticking with what I know. The LED lights I have on the way, will be a first for me. Considering this is the first time I've grown, in about 9 years, everything will seem new for a while.

Please throw in anything you think I need to read or watch to make this grow as good as possible for the ride back in! Thank you all!


Well-Known Member
- - - - what will likely be my next career, medicinal marijuana botany. That's the term I'll use.. I'm sure some people will call me a pot farmer, but either way - I'll be doing what I love and need. - - - -
FYI, Botany is the study of plants (strictly the academic approach). Horticulture is the practice (both science and art) of actually producing plants.


Well-Known Member
Just remember to keep it fun !
Looks like a nice start. Zeus looks interesting if you like a straight Sativa.


New Member
Terminology session complete! Got that one Cammo! I will be studying them, as much as I'm 'practicing' though! :P

I do l prefer sativa Cob, I love the energy I get from them mostly! And thanks for the welcome greeting!


New Member
Just want to update my specs..

I"m using a 540 w LED inside a 4'x4' grow tent. It seems like it should be more than sufficient for that room. I'm guessing i could even go bigger on the room with what i've read and seen on the web,.. input?

do you think that the 5 gl smart pot will be big enough to finish them in? I don't think i used pots that big on my last girls..