Dehumidifier is installed, but I can't turn it on for a little while because the UPS guy left it on its side. The instructions say it has to be upright for an hour before using, I am glad I read the instructions. I usually just go ahead and just use shit but I find that reading, or at least skimming, the instructions to be pretty important and as I get older I have gotten a little more patience. I guess this patience helps me be more thorough. I was telling my growing partner that I don't think I could have gotten to this point 10 years ago, even if I did have the funding. I just wasn't mature enough to make the decisions I am now making. I would have jumped the gun a bunch of times already and probably killed my girls.
Moral of the story, patience is important but not all that easy to achieve. But hey, I am who I am and I couldn't have gotten to this point without going through the shit I have gone through and making the choices that I made.
Keep it green everyone, thanks for reading.