First time growing from seed, Now 4 weeks in flower, what do you think


Ok so I got some bigger lights as was suggested, and now I have 10-23w & 2-14w 2700k CFLs on my little beany baby, as I like to call her. So that's 258w, is this enough? And I was told that the discoloration of the leaves was normal, I thought I should just water it after 3 feedings, that's when the discoloration started, when I "just" watered. My Brother in law said since I'm using "used soil" I may need to do nothing but feed till she's a week or 2 from harvesting and then go straight water for the last week or so???? IDK, I'm just going by what he's said. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I'm just confused as to your flowering times. because you say she is 4 weeks into flower yet you say she is 2 weeks from harvest... is that an auto? Even indica's run 8 weeks or more. I have a 10-12 week NON AUTO plant that flowers longer....


Active Member
I agree with stew looks like a mild nitrogen deficiency.
I would keep feeding her untill 2 weeks before you plan to harvest just keep a close eye out for nute burns


Well-Known Member
Agreeing with the masses; the yellow is normal in flower but it seems to be happening a little early, I'd feed next time withe a little grow formula


Well-Known Member
And oh yeah, I forgot to say...

THAT THING LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME!!! look at those buds, that things gonna be some sweet fucking smoke! Well done...rick. Nyuck nyuck nyuck. Naw, I'm just kidding, I'm sure his knowledge has helped but you're doing great! Hell it looks better than mine, lol.


Thank you everyone for the input. Well she was doing fine until like I said I just watered instead of feeding???? I've been fedding a mixture that's 12-20-18 so far and she sucks it up and looks good, but then I give her plain water PH is 6.6 out of the faucet and she gets the light colors on the leaves. And no not 2 weeks from harvest, it's an OG #18 bean my BIL (brother in law) gave me so it has a flower period of 8-9 weeks and it's only half way there, and this time watering it did this in 3 days. I just watered/fed again w/nutrients so I'm hoping she'll be ok. here are some pics when she started flowering
001.jpgHere she is healthy and happy (the very tip of the leaf at top of pic was in a CFL for about an hour)
002.jpgHere she is after 2 weeks with a little yellowing on the bottom leaves, right after I watered, and that was the last time she got "just" water till 3 days ago.


You are a little early in flower to have so much yellowing. How long does that strain flower first.. Second I would say you have a slight to moderate nitrogen deficiency. you may want to increase your N. this will help you diagnose the leaf color with pictures for all deficiencies.
I'm just confused as to your flowering times. because you say she is 4 weeks into flower yet you say she is 2 weeks from harvest... is that an auto? Even indica's run 8 weeks or more. I have a 10-12 week NON AUTO plant that flowers longer....
Thanx for the input SxIstew, she's an OG#18 so she has to go for at least 8-9 weeks. And, lol, I said my BIL said to stop feeding 2 weeks before harvest to flush it, but yes she's only at the 4 week halfway point :wall: I can't wait, uugh, lol :roll:


Well-Known Member
If you click on the website i gave you and scroll down to the first deficiency you can find solutions on how to fix the problem with stuff you may already have available to you... This way you aren't guessing. Good luck


And oh yeah, I forgot to say...

THAT THING LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME!!! look at those buds, that things gonna be some sweet fucking smoke! Well done...rick. Nyuck nyuck nyuck. Naw, I'm just kidding, I'm sure his knowledge has helped but you're doing great! Hell it looks better than mine, lol.
Thanx Thor, lol, he has been helping some, since I moved in with my sister and him last week it's been me and my sis against him (for fun), lol, but he has HIDs and we have CFLs so it's not really fair :?


Thanx Thor, lol, he has been helping some, since I moved in with my sister and him last week it's been me and my sis against him (for fun), lol, but he has HIDs and we have CFLs so it's not really fair :?
And I should also mention he is using this soil he says has to "cook" for like a month before he uses it, and is supposed to have all the stuff his plants need for a veg stage of like 1-1/2 to 2 months, and I'm using his old MG nutrients :cuss:that's not fair either, lol


Well-Known Member
And I should also mention he is using this soil he says has to "cook" for like a month before he uses it, and is supposed to have all the stuff his plants need for a veg stage of like 1-1/2 to 2 months, and I'm using his old MG nutrients :cuss:that's not fair either, lol
Oh yeah, nice! Sounds like he's got a "super soil" recipe, I've been hearing great things about that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Fuuuuuuuck man, those look fucking awesome! So just the great soil, any additives or anything in flower?

My grow has been 100% organic, but its kind of cheating BC I'm using the roots organics line by aurora so its not exactly the same. BUT, I'm seeing so many good results from these cooked soils that I might have to give her a go.

And itsallgood- yours still looks great for a cfl plant, you're doing it right with those light stands. However, riknstein just rolled up in here with some damn shi-yat. Its okay, men always have the bigger equipment ;)