First Time Growing Cannabis! Damaged Seedling leaves by Orange Peel (1 week old)


Hi all,

I have been a member for a couple of months and have been reading on here occasionally. For the past couple of months I have been very fascinated and intrigued by all of you great people who are growing.

I love the idea of growing in general; it calms me and makes me feel closer to earth.

A couple of weeks ago I got my hands on a seed ( only one) that comes from a really strong strain (not sure exactly what it is but probably a skunk, the bud I had was very stinky and potent). I decided it was time from me to start growing so I set up a grow room as well as a grow journal with pictures every 2 days.

The grow room is 4 feet x 3 feet, which is completely covered in mylar. I bought the CFL lights from HTGSUPPLY on EBAY.

A 3-pack 35 watt 2700K ( 7,200 lumens)
A 4 ft 2 tube T5 6500 K (10,000 lumens)

I bought FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil and the FoxFarm Nutrient set and a PH balance set as well.

I managed to germinate it and it grew nicely and it has now been 7 days.

Now here is where my dilemma comes in:

Yesterday I noticed some white spots on the first set of leaves and later noticed that the seedling had been attacked by spider mites. I also noticed some black dots as well, which I assume is the spider mites eggs.

My STUPID NOOB-self shouldn’t have done anything other than spray the plant with PH-ed water but I couldn’t resist to research for organic pesticide online. I found that Orange Peel could possibly kill off some spider mites. I decided to squeeze some of the orange peel directly on to the first set of leaves and left the plant alone.

One hour later, the first set of leaves start to curl up and turn dark. Now in hindsight I assume it must have been from the ACIDIC orange peel (why didn’t I think about that?! Uugh!) Anyway, the next day, the plant was still alive and the stem looks healthy but the leave tips had hardened and crisped up.

Now, my question is: Do you guys think that the seedling will survive? There are some green left on the seedling leaves and a second set of leaves is developed too. I decided to cut approximately 1/3 of the leaves tips since they where completely dead.

Please share your thoughts I would really appreciate it. The pictures start from the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] day up to the 7[SUP]th[/SUP] day where I accidently damaged the leaves.

Thank you

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Well-Known Member
U should water them for 2 weeks not any nuts ...And leafs show some heat stress


I'm not sure if you read my entire post but I accidentally caused the leaf damage by rubbing the leaves with orange peel because I tried to kill the spider mite infestation.


Day 10.

The seedling is still stunted and I haven't notice any new shoot growth since the incident. The dead tissue on the leaves is yellow and dry but the seedling is still alive and the stem looks pretty healthy.

I wonder if it will ever make it or ever grow!?

How long do you think I should wait until I toss it?
It has been 3 days since I accidentally acid fried the first set of leaves and the new shoots of the second set of leaves with orange peel.



Active Member
I think she will eventually make it but I'm sure the damage will set it back a week or two. If you have access to another seed I would pop it as the healthy seedling will surpass this lady in about a weeks time.

Next time get yourself some need oil. Just put a tsp in a spray bottle with a drop of liquid dish soap and you can spray it once a week without any damage.


I think she will eventually make it but I'm sure the damage will set it back a week or two. If you have access to another seed I would pop it as the healthy seedling will surpass this lady in about a weeks time.

Next time get yourself some need oil. Just put a tsp in a spray bottle with a drop of liquid dish soap and you can spray it once a week without any damage.

Thank you for the tip. That was my last seed :( so I really hope it lives!


It has now been 5 days since the incident. The plant is still alive and the stem looks pretty healthy. One of the damaged leaves has curled up even more.
There hasn't been any sign of new growth yet! I wonder when the little seedling will come around?



Update Status:

It has now been 10 days since I accidentally acid fried my 1 week old seedling leaves with orange peel. I tried to kill off some spider mites but instead burned the first and second sets of leaves. The plant is 18 days old.

The plant is still alive but there has not been any sign of growth and I'm starting to wonder if the plant will ever grow. The stem looks healthy but I noticed a crack/ or peeling on the base of the stem.

I have been watering the plant every 2-3 days when the soil dries. Should I give the plant any nutrients or just keep watering with PH-ed water?
What do you guys think? Will the plant ever get over being stunted?

Here are some pics that I took today.



Active Member
Hate to say it man...she's done. The newest node looks fried and without that there is no means of production for new foliage.


Active Member
Looks like your PH is low as well by the way that leaf looks. You are growing in dirt, so what are you Ph'ing your water to? Have you checked the run off to see what the PH actually is?


Looks like your PH is low as well by the way that leaf looks. You are growing in dirt, so what are you Ph'ing your water to? Have you checked the run off to see what the PH actually is?
No, my PH is fine, 6.3. It was my fault, I damaged the foliage with the stupid orange peel.