First Time growing and...


Active Member
plant doesnt seem all to healthy. Im currenlty indoor growing it I have two lights 2 floresecnt (40 watts) and some other random one (Ill get details when I get back home) The size im currently using of my pot is 8 inches across and 9 inchs height. I water it bout everyday and give it nutes once a day.Some of the top leaves are having brown spots or turning really light green dont know what to do ;/

Sorry for the shitty quality I get some better ones up when I get back home.


It seems that you are over-fertilizing your plants and over watering them. You only need to fert and water as needed not everyday because you been told to or read it some where that you should. The key is to know your babies and allow them to tell you when they need fert and water. A general rule for fert is every three days and check the soil with your finger for dryness and water at that time. Too much water and fert will stunt growth.

What should you do? Flush your babies and don't fert them for about 2 weeks to give them a chance to recover.

Monitor them....

Good luck


Active Member
Just cut back on the nutes and water!

You shouldn't have to water them everyday, its good to let the dirt get a little dry before u water them.(Try watering every 2-3 days.)

Feed them every week with 1/4 strength nutrient. Once the plants get a little bigger you can give them a stronger mix.

Let the plants get to the pre-flowering stage before you switch to the 12-12 period. since doing so too early might cause the plants to be hemaphrodite.

and are you going to stick with those flourescents to flower?

Your'e going to need a little more power to get decent buds!