First time growing amnesia newbie!


Hi I'm new to this sort of thing i've always just bought it then grow'd it haha but I've made my self a small cabinet with heavy tin foil in the insides and is based inside of a built in wardrobe where it is dark , I'm just waiting on the bulb. I have 1x royal queen amnesia , 1x royal cheese feminised and 2x kerala X skunk #1 ( regular ) I would basically like as much help on this as I can Thanks! ( seeds just came today ) :leaf:

happy smoking


Welcome, your journey has begun. May it be full of brilliant harvests and no hassles.


Virtually Unknown Member
Welcome, smoker to RIU. Only report I can give on Amnesia is: Grew this outside, truly amazing high. Good luck!!


Depends on your cabinet size, get an hps if size allows. Go for SonT Agro bulbs, they have a 50w blue and the rest red. IMO it is the best bulb for start to finish. For comparison I have a 400w HPS in a 1m w x 1m h x .5m d space, heats a b word in summer but the light output is worth it.


Depends on your cabinet size, get an hps if size allows. Go for SonT Agro bulbs, they have a 50w blue and the rest red. IMO it is the best bulb for start to finish. For comparison I have a 400w HPS in a 1m w x 1m h x .5m d space, heats a b word in summer but the light output is worth it.
By 50w blue and the rest red I mean the bulb is 400w but some is dedicated to the blue spectrum for veging and tight internode growth during flowering. A truly balanced cheap bulb.


I would like to help you but give us a bit more information.
And this lack of information makes me guess that you are really totally new to indoor growing, aren't you ?
Make an effort, learn by yourself for the hardware, the ventilation, the climate needed for the different phases etc..
Everything is very wll explained in the video "K2 grow video" on Youtube.
Basically you need constant fresh air supply to your plants, and that's why you will need to make a few modifications in the room in where you have your closet.
Other than that, I can give you feeding explanations
You run them in soil I suppose ?
If yes, get your hands on
-25g of Pirhana (25e)
-Voodoo Juice (20e)
-Sugar cane molasses (3e)
-an air stone bubbler
-a trash bin of about 30-50L
-Bio Grow (15e)
-Bio Bloom (15e)
Mix 2g of Pirhana in each of your soil pot.
Fill your reservoir with water, put the bubbler in it, add 2g of Pirhana, a few mL of sugar cane molasses, a few mL of Voodoo Juice, let the whole thing bubble for 3 days and water with that. Do it until the harvest, flush time included.
Depending on whether you bought a light fed soil 1) or a richer soil 2), you will need to add low doses of Bio Grow and Bio Bloom to the solution

2) After 3 weeks of vegetation and 3 weeks of 12/12 at a ratio of 1 part BG / 3 part BB
1) After 3 weeks of vegetation with BG-only during the 3 first weeks of 12/12 then same ratio as 2)

Start with that, plus a good climate and a constant fresh air supply and you will have an excellent end product, guaranteed
I'll have to get a picture of the wardrobe and for soil I got some multipurpose compost and yes it's my very first time growing so I don't have a clue about this stuff haha just what my weed friends tell me and the box is 690mm (length) by 490mm (width)


This will be sweet, just remember the ballast, cabling, reflector etc. I strongly recommend a cooled hood or cool tube but a big fan can compensate for not having those. Do not underestimate the heat these generate, a 400w in that space will require a min of 300cfm extractor. Look for kit sets that have everything like fans, cabling, lights, etc.

Not sure on the spectrum but reviews are good. With the size you have consider a technique dubbed "scrog". Slightly longer growth period but will maximize the harvest from a small space. Google it.

Also check out YouTube and search how to grow, look for the hour long videos, they run through everything basic but as with all advice with growing including my own... Research and make your own decision, let advice put weight on the choice but do what you feel to be best.