First time growin, Need a little advice


New Member
First off a little background, I've worked in the agriculture business for about 5 seasons now (tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, ya know the normal veggies; so I already have a nice green thumb) on a farm that produces crops on a larger scale. I have access to nearly any growing supplies; irrigation, every type of grow medium you can think of (organic, inorganic, vermiculite, perlite, cow manure, lobster compost, mulch etc.), every size pot, greenhouses etc. So I have access to many different things to help me along my journey. But back to my grow:

So I'm into the seedling stage of my first grow, germination went very well (I decided to germinate my seeds at 3 different times: 3 sprouted roots, 4 are currently being germinated, and 3 have yet to begin the process) and I moved the seeds into a 4" pot that is about 5" deep. I used Sunshine mix #1, I wasn't completely sure if this was the correct mix to used for a seedling, any suggestions for the other 7 unplanted seeds would be appreciated. Would it be better to keep the seedlings in a greenhouse until they get large enough to plant? How big should the be before I plant them in the ground? Is about a cup of water a day enough water or too much for the seedlings?

At my grow site, I have a very good water source, its away from roads, and I know no hunter will stumble upon my grow, only problem really will be deer but I will most likely use predator urine around the site to keep the deer away, unless people suggest something better. I was planning on a 2'x2'x2' hole for each plant with a 30% lobster compost (or manure), 30% organic potting soil, and 30% native soil, then maybe perlite for the last 10%? I'm not quite sure what else to put into the mix. Also, if my grow site has 1-2 pines close but not right next to it will this cause a problem? Only reason I ask is because I read that soil with pine needles isn't the best.


What type of soil mix should I use for the seedlings, and what should my soil mix be for when I plant them in the ground?

I know the grow was kinda last minute and I didn't prep the soil/start the seedlings at the right time, but I really want to try and make it work this season so that next season I will already have all the kinks worked out.

Thanks for the TL;DR lol. I can only talk from my experiences ive used a few soils and the best ive found was fox farm ocean forest mixed with happy frog and perlite. But even then the soil isnt complete, ive yet to find a complete soil thats store ready. To the fox farm id add some dolomite lime, and some kind of calcium/magnesium supplement. IT seems the fox farm soil isnt pH ready off the bat and it seems to lack calcium.
It may help your plants to grow in the green house for a month so they can get strong enough to live through attacks from bugs, etc. Plant where the trees don't rob them of light... For seedlings I use soil that is made for seedlings (soil that doesn't have nutrients in it).

A cup of water on seedlings every day is going to make the soil pretty damp all the time. I'd use less and then only water when needed.
So once planted should I give the plants a lot of water or not too much, I can't seem to find a definite answer for when they are in the ground as to how much water should be given to the plants daily if any

Also, when I planted my seeds after germination they had like a 1.5 inch tap root (should I plant them when it is shorter or is this okay?) so I had to make a hole large enough to fit the root, however, the seed itself was no more than .25-.5 inches below the surface of the soil, was this okay, and will it hurt my sprouting process?
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With your experience, trust your instincts. MJ's a different plant but the foundation is still the same. Good soil, water only when they need water, as much light as can be thrown at it etc....
and you'll be fine.