First time grower


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls, we will be back in a couple of hours or so with an update and pics :D Stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages...


Well-Known Member

So, all the plants are doing quite well (far as i know, but this is my first grow so i cant be sure). They've grown a noticeable amount in the past few days, as you'll see in the pictures. We're feeding them water with molases, 3 week old fishtank water (apparantly high in nutrients), and some kind of flowering nutes that my partner mixed in. We have a lot of them LSTd, as you will see, and the buds are forming nicely. It looks like most of them will be one huge cola pretty much down the majority of the plant, but I'm not really sure. All I gotta say is, I picked a shitty spot to grow. forests suck, not at all enough light :(

p.s. sorry about the "stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages..." thing. it was my attempt at being funny and it was really not funny.



Well-Known Member
Well, harvest went alright. Fucking I will NEVER plant in a forest again. I believe the count was 9 plants... a total of 50 grams wet. Whatever, it is fucking SWEET n tasty shit. I'll post pics when I get some :)