first time grower


this is my first grow 4 auto ak47s 2 bag seeds and 2 diesel im trying to do a flood and drain i built this room in my basement since its colder and for security purposes anyway they are 3 weeks old on Thursday from poking thru the ground .... the four in the 6x6 rock wool cubes covered in per-lite (my way of prevent some algae) the two bag seeds are in the solo cups to the side and i just started 2 diesels next to my tray im using a 400wmh bulb from a security light with a hood i purchased from my hydro store running 24hrs temps are around 76-82 ive been flooding once a day until last week they started to droop really bad so i stopped watering i tore the plastic off the rock wool added hydroton and then watered once yesterday for 15 minutes these are today's pictures please any help is appreciated



Active Member
looks like your nute mix is off, looks to be nitrogen deficient. also may want to increase to two feedings a day. as the girls get bigger they require more feedings in this set up

John Jacob

Active Member
I would cover the rockwools completely with the hydroton and start lightly feeding if you havent already


Well-Known Member
are you oxygenating your res?

cover your rockwool.. either bury it under hydrotron, or cover it with black and white poly, or a garbage bag or something... perlite will grow algea on it too. Mind you, algea doesn't hurt your plants at all.. just eats their food.

you do need to up your nutes.. but not much.. looks like it the start of an Nitrogen issue.. just up to the next phase of your feeding schedual and you will be good.

flood your tray 3 times a day for 15 min. any ebb and flow can handle that. Make sure your rockwool is above the drain just a little, and you could run you flood all day if you wanted.


If I raise the rockwool above the drain I can't cover it ATM the top of the rockwool is about 2" above where the water floods up too but they are big rockwool cubes 6x6x6 I haven't water cause I thought I overwatered cause it's still damp up top but I'll start watering a little more I'll be using house and garden a&b nutes at about 3/4 strength (3.5 ml per gallon ...Ill be feeding today in about three hours it's on a timer I won't be home for 6 hrs so I'll prolly water them again in 11hrs and then should I feed them twice a day or 3 times?


Active Member
why try such a difficult way of growing ur first time. + rep for the effort. i just cudnt handle all tht lol. plus i can only see my plants every 2 days. damn 9-5 job! :finger:


Yeah I kno I work 7-3 so I check em before I leave to work when I get home and sometime before I go to sleep idk why I chose my route I was reading hydro has more yield so I figured I'd learn it

But you guys are positive they definitely aren't overwatered??


Well-Known Member
If they are limp yet still kinda firm.. it's over watered.. if it's limp like day old lettuce, it's under watered.

It's called turgor pressure if you wanted to learn more.


This is my first grow there is a bit of a mix and I prob wud only put 4 in there next time I veged for 3 weeks then put them on 12 12 as space was becoming an issue I also found the leafs folding in two after alot of adjusting testing I found it was the fan since I've tired it on the wall they all seem good I think lol
cotton candy
great white shark
lemon skunk
next time I'll prob keep 4 and do bubble cheese and blueberry



here is an update day 25 on my girls the two in the front on the outside are showing sex they are female when should i change my light to the hps plus any other advice would be awesome