First time grower

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:leaf:Just started germination on sat. march 26 at 2:30 I am a new grower not looking for anything at all except to just get my plants through one cycle, i dont care how they turn out my first grow just that they turn out. :leaf: Also, i have started 1 seed in dirt to see witch i prefer, any helpful comment are always appreciated.:leaf:


Active Member
IF your starting one seed and its not fem your wasting time, pulse we have no idea what produces or set ups your using or light is it soil or hydro, or air ?
IF you want to continue to be a dick you can leave, again FIRST TIME GROW!!!!!! so i could care less if i get a male or not, i thought i already said i didnt care in my first post. but i guess the group of word i formed into a sentence didn't seem to say it clearly so i will try and slow it down, say it louder, and not say as many big words, RIGHT NOW IM JUST TRYING TO GET MY PLANT TO LIVE!!!!!!! NOT PRODUCE, NOT MATE, NOT GET ME STONED, JUST TO LIVE!!!! because i would rather waste my time with a male plant then fuck up my chances with a female plant, so again if your gonna be dickish, please dont post.
UPDATE: just started them today and already i have 2-3 that sank and 1 of those is already starting to break open, no signs of root yet but i can see the crack. will have pics when i can see root.

BTW this is a closet grow, clean space, and a great space size for what im trying to achieve will have pics


Active Member
i was going to help but fuck u and your male plant! was not being a dick btw just wanted to help a hopeless ungreatful noobie, i hope a million spider mites eat your grow Dbag


Well-Known Member
IF you want to continue to be a dick you can leave, again FIRST TIME GROW!!!!!! so i could care less if i get a male or not, i thought i already said i didnt care in my first post. but i guess the group of word i formed into a sentence didn't seem to say it clearly so i will try and slow it down, say it louder, and not say as many big words, RIGHT NOW IM JUST TRYING TO GET MY PLANT TO LIVE!!!!!!! NOT PRODUCE, NOT MATE, NOT GET ME STONED, JUST TO LIVE!!!! because i would rather waste my time with a male plant then fuck up my chances with a female plant, so again if your gonna be dickish, please dont post.
Dude, I'm not quite sure why you are so hostile, but if you are here to ask questions and get some help, then you might not want to be so sensitive...The questions Frog asked are totally relevant to trying to help you. He's not being a dick...
So it seems you are currently germinating a few seeds. I like the wet paper towel method. Very easy to germinate that way. It should take about a week before you can transplant them into soil. Good luck.


Yea I also suggest wet paper towel method, but also put them in a zip lock baggy with some holes on top then put them in the sunlight. Works wonder, but over time makes the paper towels kind of stinky. But yea frog was asking some legit questions, its best to know what type of lights you are using so we can tell you the right steps and procedures.

But now for my question. I put a peat moss pot into a 20 oz pepsi bottle with a air pump going through the water at the bottom of the bottle, i put a zip lock baggy over the pot with holes cut into it, but I did that to make some humidity* Is the zip lock baggy over the pot a good idea or is it going to kill it?
I was trying to be a dick, because i thought that i had clarified that i only wanted to make a plant live and that i didn't care about anything else, Also, i said that i had just started germ. and also had one in the dirt.(what make you think i was only starting one?) Goodbye froggy you will be sorely missed I'm sure. And also i would like to clarify that i do know how to grow from helping my brother and a few friends, this is just my first solo mission, so i do know quite a bit but i will admit not even remotely close everything, so im here for more of in case any problem occur somebody else will know what my plant has been though and can possibly help me then. Last but not least, No it wont kill your plant as long as it has somewhat large vent holes so the plant can still breath with ease. i hope i have been helpful and i thank all of you for your help as well. Even your attempt at help froggy.


Well-Known Member
LMAO , what a nice laugh to start off my day. You need to be less sensitive around here if you are asking people to respond to you. You have 8 posts and have been growing for 48 hours. You start this thread off by posting a poll. For what ?? You haven't done anything yet. You mention nothing about lights you will be using, or even your grow area. You say you just want to keep them alive but don't say how you intend to do this.