First Time Grower


Active Member
Hello everyone! i am a soon to be first time grower, im looking to grow outside, ive read alot about growing MJ and i think i may have a good chance, me and a friend are going to be doing it.
Well as reading what i need to do, and it isnt easy, definatly isnt easy although there is no reason i cant succeed unless i get lazy!

so firstly, i have established a spot. Also my climate is cold, very wet, in europe. i have a seed in mind which should suit my climate.

Purple Widow. I've heard its an easy grow and being a first time grower, it sounds good :D

So i have a seed in mind. i have a spot, and all we are waiting for is the right climate. i think i am going to sprout the seeds in my room, get them started yanno, then move them to the spot! we are thinking of getting a pot to put them in, well... 1 to a pot. the area is muddy/mossy/forest area, looks like the kinda surrounding you'd grow mushrooms but anyways.

a few things im most curious of is:-
1.How long do i keep the seeds growing in my room.
2.How long do i leave the plants outside when i plant them before i will see "buds" appearing.
3.How long they need to grow until i can pick them.
4.Whats the best way to deal with pests? and other animals? i heard human hair will keep rabits and foxes etc away, anything else? im not really into shaving my head.

the main questions which will give me a rough idea as to time scale overall.

more than likely i will revive this thread when i start to grow the seeds, but im looking t start growing the end of march/start of april. unless its possible to start growing now.

im also curious, what will i need? i no ill need fertilizer, although im not too sure whether i can walk into a "home depot" shop and just buy it and if its expensive.
also if there is alot of rain, will that kill the plant?

i was thinking when i plant the seeding ill put a glass over it to stop anything eatting it. also how do i protect it when its growing? because of bees/flys/any other insects would like to eat my precious haha!

All help is very very very! helpful :D hope to get some pictures up in a few months of the stages :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok .. 1) make sure your friend doesnt tell anyone

2) wait until the weather warms up before starting (sounds like end of may for you)

3) dont plant in soggy ground .. pot doesnt thrive in wet ground

4) you need to read up alot more on growing if u dont know when it'll bud .. (august'ish depending on latitude)

5)? how will you grow the seeds in your room??

6) "3.How long they need to grow until i can pick them." you definitely dont know your strain .. it should be 8 weeks if your plant fits that climate.. so late sept- last oct. depending on strain and location

7) "Whats the best way to deal with pests? and other animals? i heard human hair will keep rabits and foxes etc away, anything else? im not really into shaving my head." ... go buy a deer repellent product that has a gaurantee on it .. i was also told moth balls spread around your plot

8) you're gonna need more that one plant (you dont wanna smoke male "bud")

9) use a cage or fence material to cover your plant .. not a glass ... that'll fry it

10) you can walk into a home depot and buy it ...

11) not that expensive

12) you must be 18 to be on this site ... and you clearly aren't


New Member
you should be alright even if you do alot of things wrong im a noob as well and am in a similar climate to yours i too am growing purple widow as well as a safari mix ive herd that the pw is such a hearty strain it can take abuse by a novice grower so dont worry man you should be fine, good luck

johnboy mac

Active Member
hi can any1 help me? its my first grow and im using cfl's i bought a 125watt eco-lite and its a full spectrum bulb its purple in colour and i put the sprouts under yesterday and already their up and away i just need help to figure out how much more light i need the room is a like a closet more of a storage space, its about 5ft wide 2ft deep and ceiling high already painted white which is a bonus any ideas??????


Active Member
How can u clearly identify im not 18? because if my "lack of knowledge?" everyone starts somewhere.

But anyways, my friend and i have both agreed not to tell anyone.

yes i think around end of april/start of may would probably be best, i looked up weather reports from past years and that seems to be the trick thanks.

ah not in soggy ground? well if i planted in a large bucket and buried that into the ground would that be fine? its hard to tell whether its soggy ground or not, because its been raining alot lately :L although it does have a mossy area on the ground.

sorry about asking about when bud flowers and stuff, that would make me look like i havnt read up on anything. its just when i was reading i came across "6-8 weeks flowering" and it takes about 1-2 weeks to sprout a seed, is that 1-2 weeks included in the 6-8 weeks flowering? or is that 10 weeks in total? then after the flowering is that the time to harvest? or is that until the plant has gone through the basic growing before it starts to bloom?

i was thinkin of a chinese foil container, and adding a couple of wet paper towels and putting the seeds covered by them. and it would sit in my cupboard where my pc is, so it should be dark enough and warm enough for it to start the sprouting.

we dont have many deer in the area, its mainly foxes and rabits which are my concern.

think we wil have 10-20 seeds avilable to plant although in the spot we will probably plant 5 MAX.

yes like chicken wire? cheers for that too, dont wanna fry the poor thing! :L

Thanks for your input Gilfman. Thats kinda offensive that you think im under 18. But otherwise, great tips cheers.

Nice one Dankzilla, cheers for that.

South texas cheers for the link will look into that!

Johnboy id appreciate it if you DIDNT hyjack my thread, seems like an indoor problem not an outdoor problem. cheers.


Well-Known Member
How can u clearly identify im not 18? because if my "lack of knowledge?" everyone starts somewhere.

But anyways, my friend and i have both agreed not to tell anyone.

yes i think around end of april/start of may would probably be best, i looked up weather reports from past years and that seems to be the trick thanks.

ah not in soggy ground? well if i planted in a large bucket and buried that into the ground would that be fine? its hard to tell whether its soggy ground or not, because its been raining alot lately :L although it does have a mossy area on the ground.

sorry about asking about when bud flowers and stuff, that would make me look like i havnt read up on anything. its just when i was reading i came across "6-8 weeks flowering" and it takes about 1-2 weeks to sprout a seed, is that 1-2 weeks included in the 6-8 weeks flowering? or is that 10 weeks in total? then after the flowering is that the time to harvest? or is that until the plant has gone through the basic growing before it starts to bloom?

i was thinkin of a chinese foil container, and adding a couple of wet paper towels and putting the seeds covered by them. and it would sit in my cupboard where my pc is, so it should be dark enough and warm enough for it to start the sprouting.

we dont have many deer in the area, its mainly foxes and rabits which are my concern.

think we wil have 10-20 seeds avilable to plant although in the spot we will probably plant 5 MAX.

yes like chicken wire? cheers for that too, dont wanna fry the poor thing! :L

Thanks for your input Gilfman. Thats kinda offensive that you think im under 18. But otherwise, great tips cheers.

Nice one Dankzilla, cheers for that :Mr. Green:

South texas cheers for the link will look into that!
well if your 18+ sorry ... but you just sounded like one of the typical kids that get on here ... and is like tell me all!! haha .. and your comment on fertilizer ... of course you can buy fertilizer 18 or not 18 that's why they sell it

fox shouldnt bother your plant.. rabbits will

maybe find a small hill to make sure the ground wont be saturated bucket may work but would need good drainage in bottom

flowering is 6-8 weeks after the plant STARTS flowering .. so 6-8 weeks from beginning or mid august

plant will "veg" or grow without flowering from the time u plant the seed .. from april to aug. for example

chicken wire is what i use to make cages .. ill link pics

there are many ways to germ seeds.. i just follow this .. put in a glass of bottled water for 12 hours let them fall to the bottom, put in a damp paper towel then between two glass plates in a warm area then once they sprout they are ready to be placed in my peat pellets and under a fluro strip

I'd say grow more than 5 .. start at 10 or more cause i did that last year and with deer and other animals and plants turning male .. i ended up with my single female .. which turns out to be the smallest plant i saved from the deer problem and it was my only female so yeah .. do more plants..

so hope that answers your further questions!

got just over an Oz (32g)on that little plant .. but i was glad to have anyhting after the season i had ... smokes great tho im happy



Active Member
well if your 18+ sorry ... but you just sounded like one of the typical kids that get on here ... and is like tell me all!! haha .. and your comment on fertilizer ... of course you can buy fertilizer 18 or not 18 that's why they sell it
yes mate i could imagine but no worries, i probably could have started with a slightly better understanding before asking questions which would be obvious :)

and fertilizer, ive seen people talk about 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength etc, and also i heard its best to use organic and not manufactured because there is toxic waste in some of the manufacterd.


Well-Known Member
yes mate i could imagine but no worries, i probably could have started with a slightly better understanding before asking questions which would be obvious :)

and fertilizer, ive seen people talk about 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength etc, and also i heard its best to use organic and not manufactured because there is toxic waste in some of the manufacterd.
just buy some garden soil without fertilizer added, then get some cow poop (like 3 USD a bag) or bat guano which runs for a little more .. if u want buy perlite to add in the soil or some peat moss.. then just make sure it gets watered .. fertilizers do help .. but arent cheap .. friend recommended this brand but it's in the US

so IDK .. dont get miracle grow .. you could even make a "tea" from blood meal and bonemeal ... maybe a little poo from an animal .. but just some soil advice


Active Member
just buy some garden soil without fertilizer added, then get some cow poop (like 3 USD a bag) or bat guano which runs for a little more .. if u want buy perlite to add in the soil or some peat moss.. then just make sure it gets watered .. fertilizers do help .. but arent cheap .. friend recommended this brand but it's in the US

so IDK .. dont get miracle grow .. you could even make a "tea" from blood meal and bonemeal ... maybe a little poo from an animal .. but just some soil advice
ah right cheers mate, appreciate your help, hopefully ill have some helpful information and pictures and hopefully a log for april time :D


Well-Known Member
ah right cheers mate, appreciate your help, hopefully ill have some helpful information and pictures and hopefully a log for april time :D
yeah hopefully .. i need to get my camera fixed... and im starting after 4-20-09 i dont think i can start any sooner


Well-Known Member
ah right, think i should start roughly the same time? cold cold climate :P
just check your last frost dates.. a safe failproof start in many areas is beginning of june .. you can still yield good amounts off the plants too .. one male i grew last yr wouldve grown to 6 feet if i let it grew and if it was a female couldve yielded about 4 oz .. approximately of course .. but
i started mid-late march last year .. and i figure u can too


Well-Known Member
don't overthink it. high n for grow, high p for bloom. if outside, dig a big hole and throw in some good potting soil. if potting soil has any kind of ferts in it, put soil in pot and flush well. and sooo important, #1 on gilfmans list, DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!! someone WILL steal your plants. oh yeah, RESEARCH. the faq area at front of this forum can answer many questions.


Active Member
lovestotoke i suggest looking up info on how to grow marijuana. it tells you everything u need to know to grow mary jane


Active Member
ah right no sweat, i have read many guides, although there are just some areas which i just simply cant understand xD but most of the questions i needed have been answered, cheers everyone! great site! great help 10/10!


Active Member
don't overthink it. high n for grow, high p for bloom. if outside, dig a big hole and throw in some good potting soil. if potting soil has any kind of ferts in it, put soil in pot and flush well. and sooo important, #1 on gilfmans list, DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!! someone WILL steal your plants. oh yeah, RESEARCH. the faq area at front of this forum can answer many questions.

high n for grow?
high p for bloom?

high nutes?
and high p...?


Active Member
right guys ive been reading up alot and i am basically sure on this topics:

1.Which seeds i need.
2.How to find a spot.
3.How to cover your paths. to prep my soil.
6.removing males.
7.dealing with probable fungi.
8.having an emergancy visit.
9.When to harvest.

ull notice there is a topic im unsure of.

the "Planting".

im not sure how to go about planting, more than likely it will just have to be a "put the seed outside and hope for the best" im not sure whether it would be fine to just put it in a pot or to stick it in the ground.

its on a hill our location.

my plan so far is:-

Get to the spot, dig a hole big enough for the pot/s, fill the pots with organic soil (unfertilized?) then 3 weeks later ill have to add ferts i think. also i was thinking of getting chicken wire to cover the plant. also i was going to plant some onions in the area around the plants, and sprinkle vinegar in the area (rabits) and was also going to put paprika in the area if it isnt too expensive.

ill have to water once every 2 weeks, and ill be back every 3 weeks to weed the area, making sure that my crop isnt being crowded, but not weed so that all vegitation is gone.

more than likely im going to have to remove the males early july, but ill probably be keeping a close eye on the plants just to make sure i dont remove them too late.

when they start to bloom ill keep a close eye on the bud to make sure "fungi" doesnt get to them, if it does, ill remove the branch to be safe, and will be sure to be as careful as possible with them.

ill harvest at night, just to be sure, although the location is great and i feel i could harvest at any time of the day.

my only concern is how shall i transport the bud. in a backpack, but in a box or a plastic bag etc? and will it matter if the buds are touching after removing from the plants? i no they can last a few hours before getting to the dry site.

and im pretty sure i no what to look for at the harvesting stage.

anything that sounds a little brief? anything that sounds it could be done better, or anything thats missing, id love some feedback, thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
hey. n=nitrogen, p=phosphorous. some potting soil contains fertilizers that might be a little strong for seedlings, hence the flushing of the soil before planting. i've had seedlings flat out die from this until i figured it out.