First time grower


Active Member
Kinda looking for a step by step timeline to start my first grow so if anyone could help i would appreciate it. Thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just read all the FAQ's and read the threads and you will get all the info you need. Room set up lights it's all here just choose the best way for you. You know what kind of room you have, the money you have to spend. Good luck to you.. READ!!


Active Member
Kinda looking for a step by step timeline to start my first grow so if anyone could help i would appreciate it. Thanks:leaf:

Your best bet would be to do alot of research reading etc.. Theres plenty of solid information here that will guide you.

You started a thread so ask away I;m sure plenty of growers will help ya out

Before you can get your hands dirty you will need to get your mind going with grow info so you can gather up some details that will best fit your growing situation, Theres alot more than planting a seed!!

Read Read young grasshopper :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The first rule of growing is TELL AND SHOW NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE. Even the best friend in the world can at the very least open their mouth and then that person tells and so on. TELL NO ONE. It's all over this site about how people got ripped off by showing their plants or telling someone. Or someone just seeing them and they help them selves and all your hard work is for nothing. The other rule is always plan for the unexpected like my new bulb just blew from my new hps set up and where I live we have no hydro shop to just go get another so always try to get extra bulbs or have back up lights of some kind. I get all my set ups from HTG and they have pretty decent prices and they stand behind what they sell. I think on this site they have a pretty good rep. The other thing I can think of that drives me nuts is someone who plants an itty bitty seed in a five gallon bucket. It's better to start little and then grow into a bigger pot. That way the plant will concentrate on the plant and not the roots. So plan on about 120 days at least and thats with clones. Thats from start of the clone until it's done. It takes a great amount of patience. Then after you've got it all done you will want to cure it for better taste, quality of high etc... That means drying it to a perfect point and then let it cure in jars. I can not stress enough not to tell anyone at anytime, bragging will get you busted or ripped. So you have alot of work to do to set up and yes seeds take awhile to get, if you get them at all. Ther are a ton of strains used for a lot of different things. Depends on what you want, a heady stone, sleepy stone, an upper stone. Many many strains. I would get several different kinds so you can see the difference and find the strain you like the best. Ther are several different ways to sprout a seed. Ther is just so much info you need that it's too much to keep rambling on. ( which I could) Good luck to you any questions when you get there just ask as said above. We will help you, but we are stoners and it takes too much thinking to write it all down. Here is a light place if you want to look around. High Tech Garden Supply