First time grower


Well-Known Member
Well I got sick of buying crap and decided to take the plunge into growing my own.

Was a bit of an accident after planting some bagseed, anyway once the started growing I decided to get some basics:

1.2 x 1.2 x 2 tent
Carbon filter and inline fan
Active intake fan
600w HPS light etc
Growing in soil and using nutrients (cant remember the name)

Anyway I'm on day 8 after switching to 12/12 and just starting to show pistils. Got 8 plants and luckily all of them are looking like females. Loving the new hobby and learning more every day. Made a few mistakes so far and probably make many more bit have to say I'm loving this site too. Will try and get some better pics as I go.


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At around day 21 I would remove alot of those fan leaves. Any fans inside of the tent to help move air around? Other then that they look good​
Thanks for the advice it's appreciated. Didnt do any training except for topping once. They are a little bit wild. I guess I'm just thinking I will be happy getting anything at the end.
Thanks for the advice it's appreciated. Didnt do any training except for topping once. They are a little bit wild. I guess I'm just thinking I will be happy getting anything at the end.

They look nice. Don't put such a low standard for your self your looking great so far. I was going to ask what the one plant in top far left? Looks maybe over watered?

And yes I have one small 6" oscillating fan but was thinking about adding another to get the air going that bit more.

I would add another one just incase
Well that was the runt of the litter but its slowly been catching up with the others. I think you are right with the overwatering I need to keep that in check, also noticed a little bit of nutrient burn on some of the leaves again from being a little over eager. The thing I keep reading is to listen to the plants so will try and do that.
Some growers like to push the plant my self included and get the tip burn on the leaves its called K.I.S.S. I learned how to gauge watering the plants by picking each pot up after watering feel how heavy it feels. Then water afew days go back and it should be lighter.
I watered and fed last night but I will be heading over to my girlfriends for the next two nights (I get real anxiety leaving them) do you think I should give a little bit tonight as the lights will still be off by the time I leave? Is it easier to come back from under watering as opposed to overwatering?
They are 11 litre pots, since I last posted I've made an excuse so I can check them when the lights come on at 1830 tomorrow and then leave :D. Will try the pot lifting
Had to give them a slightly earlier trim to aid the airflow a bit and reduce humidity levels. Got myself an extra fan and they are all looking really good to me. I'm trying to get better at not overwatering but they are all looking pretty healthy at the mo. Loving the new hobby
I'm at day 23 since switching to 12/12 and things seem to be going ok. Should I start seeing any trichomes yet or any frostiness (damn is that even a word) or is too soon, do some strains show soo er than others.

Apologies for the pics with the light on, I just dont want to mess about turning them off !20201112_215452.jpg


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