First time grower would appreciate help- is this an N deficiency?


Active Member
I'm on my first grow so I could use any help you guys could throw at me :). My plants are in the middle of week 2 and I'm wondering if my plants are having problems:

I think I may have overwatered so I'm leaving them to dry a bit. Also, at the bottom of one of my plants the bottom 2 leaves have turned brown and look like they are dying, yet the rest of the plant seems fine. Is this more than a simple overwatering problem? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
If you're refering to the leaves that are rounded off and kind of just stay little and at the bottom all alone, they're called "fan leaves". They don't stick around long. I planted mine about a month ago and my fan leaves have already died off. That's perfectly normal. And honestly, by the pictures, your plant looks great. I wouldn't water more than once every two days though. Wait until the top soil is dry before watering again. If you do that, you won't have to worry about water, just focus on the light. Make sure whatever light you're using is giving off a blueish or purplish light. Not yellow. Don't use regular lights. I'd reccomend plant lights (found at any local wal mart) or if you can afford them, sodium lights. But you don't NEED those. I stick with the tobe plant lights from wal mart. Only 5 bucks per bulb. I have two running my lighting system. Of course, I only have one plant.


Well-Known Member
stick your finger in the soil about 2-3" down. If it's dry then water again. if it's moist then leave it be.


New Member
you overwatered-the best guide to knowing when to water is the weight of your pot- feel it when its dry to learn the weight, and dont soak it when you water-make sure the soils moist but not wet-looks like you have some fungus growing on your soil-another sign its too wet.btw-this isnt a simple overwatering problem-its one of the worst things you can do to your plant, but yours looks like itll be fine-ph your water and water less and it should be fine.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The easiest way to tell when to water is to pick up the pots now! Im sure they feel heavy because your soil looks like its soaked. When you pick them up and they feel light its time to water again. I water until it comes out the bottom of the pot so it flushes out the old stuff but everyone is different. Marijuana is a weed and does not need mass amounts of water. If you are allready fertilizing stop until your babies are 5-6 weeks old. Over watering and over ferting are the two biggest problems newbies have. Over watering causes root rot and other root diseases and over ferting causes deficencys! Good luck with your grow bro!


Active Member
Wow guys thanks, got home and this was a nice treat finding help lol. I'll leave them to dry out and follow your instructions on watering. Thanks again! :)


Well-Known Member
all i can say is....over-watering is one of the biggest problems you face.
over fertilizing
overlighting (burning tips)

if your lights, temp and humidity are all okeedokee, (which they should be since they stay constant within a good grow room) then your watering or nute program may need some fine tuning.