First time grower w/ a few more questions


Active Member
Hey ev1... me again... By the way, thanks for the responses to my last post... helped a lot! But I am back again w/ a few more questions.

Ok, first question is about rate of growth when a plant is under 12/12... I began this light cycle 7/1/07 & the plant was 17.8" tall. It has been 1 week and she has grown to 22.5". My grow box is appx. 3'H x 2'D x 2.6'W and is rapidly becoming too small an area to contain the plant and lights. I have 10- 27W CFL's @1750 lumens ea. Will the plant continue to grow this quickly or begin to focus on flowering and slow down on the up and out growth? From bottom of the pot ( 4 gal. ) to the top of the plant it is alrdy 32" tall.

In my first post I listed specs on fert, grow medium, lighting and whatnot... and at that time she ( my plant ) was having a few issues. I made a few changes according to some of the insight that was offered. Primarily no more Hydro- peroxide (3%) added at all, and reduced fert application. Switched to BloomBurst- 10/50/10 and use fish emulsion- 5/1/1 as foliar feed every 3 or 4 days. Not a yellow leaf or burnt tip or edges anywhere on her... BUT some of the tips do curly down and some of the margins are folded down as well. Is this still a sign of over fert?

And finally, if you look at the pics included with this, you will see that the new growth is lighter in color than the rest of the plant... this Does however even out to the same green as the rest of the plant within a day or 2. Is this normal or another issue with over fert or some sort of deficiency?

Thanks for all the help, this site is great and has been a terrific source of info for me as a first time grower.

Pic#1 & #2 simple side shots, #3 is top view 7/1/07, #4 is top view 7/5/07, and #5 is top view 7/7/07.



Active Member
Thanks Biggie... This is indeed my first grow, and for some reason I feel like I have another as much time as I have invested in it :)!

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
The stretch it has will depend on it's heritage. Looks to be more indica...but there's no real way to tell. (unless you know/bought the seeds)

If it were me, I'd start to VERY GENTLY pull down/out on the branches. Start with the outside ones...and move inward. GENTLY. Do this bending ever-so-slightly everyday. Don't get anywhere near snapping the branch.

this is a crude LST....without strings. (or you can put her in bondage!)

What I think you should try to do is get it to widen/flatten out...anything that tries to grow up...make it grow sideways with a bit of friendly persuasion. Once she starts budding well the weight of the bud will take over and the manual bending can stop...

If you do this you will really open up the center of the plant to light and bud sites/growth later on...and you will hopefully keep it busy growing OUTWARDS rather than UPWARDS into your light. growth will be greener and will green as it ages. You're OK I think.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
looks great. they will continue to grow for another week or so. mine usually slow down once they get thumb sized nugs on top. go with bt dt and tie it down if possible.