first time grower, Suggestions?


Active Member
GDay all,

Well im starting my first grow room within the next month or so ill list the supply's i have on the way now.

Grow, Micro, Bloom -1 liter of each
25"x10" black/white wall cover don't remember name
ona puck
2x Timer's

10x BIG BUD seeds
10x White Rhino Seeds

The room i have is around 6 feet wide and 6 feet long. I plan on making mothers with the seeds and clone for plants. Will i need a charcoal filter? if so i will make a homemade one (pretty sure ill need one). Also what other supply's will i need. How many plants can i fit in this room and supply proper lighting to. Also will i need to intake air from Outdoors? or can i take it from a bedroom then vent it into the main living areas.

This is going to be a soil grow, unless i can use these nutrients in hydro. I believe they are meant for soil tho. any advice is welcome.

Thanks alot

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Those ferts are for hydro (if they are GH Flora) but you can use em on soil. Use em every 2nd or 3rd watering or at 1/3 to 1/2 strength every watering in soil.

plastic is called panda plastic most likely.

Ona will work for awhile...but yes..if you are successful you will need a charcoal filter.

Yes you should bring in fresh air and exhaust the hot/smelly air...but only after filtering it.

At 6 x 6 you only have 28 watts per sq ft using that light. To get 50 watts per sq ft the room can be no larger than 20 sq ft.

You can grow one plant...or 1 plant per sq ft. the lighting available is the true restirction. In the end it depends on the STYLE of grow you wanna do...i, e. bushes..TREES...a Sea of Green...a SCROG...there are many ways to go.

If you've never grown do a soil grow...but READ yer ass off first and get your mix/lights/temps/ventilation right BEFORE you plant a seed! No sense planting seeds and tossing em in a room that will get 100 degrees with the light on or planting in backyard dirt cus you didn't have anymore money...

you have a nice lineup of equip and seeds...get it all set up properly and you will ROCK.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
I am waiting for Welcome to Cheap Grow Lights ! : Home to re-open soon. I've bought from them before and will always buy from them.

They are discrete and have the best answers from years of growing experiance. Just don't ask them specifically about mary jane because they are not allowed to comment about that topic.

Anyway....check them out shortly...I was told within one month they are currently working on building their new site.

If you use soil I definitely recommend guamo (bat dung) as your fert. Also, I would seriously consider using hydroponic systems to feed your plants. Some advantages :
Solution culture hydroponics does not require disposal of a solid medium or sterilization and reuse of a solid medium.

Solution culture hydroponics allows greater control over the root zone environment than soil culture.

Over and under-watering is prevented

Hydroponics is often the best crop production method in remote areas that lack suitable soil, such as Antarctica, space stations, space colonies or atolls, such as Wake Island.

In solution culture hydroponics, plant roots can be seen.

Hydroponics is excellent for plant teaching and research.

No soil is required.

Soil borne diseases are virtually eliminated.

Weeds are virtually eliminated.

Fewer pesticides may be required because of the above two reasons.

Edible crops are not contaminated with soil.

Water use can be substantially less than with outdoor irrigation of soil-grown crops.

Hydroponics cost 20% less than other ways for growing strawberries.

Hydroponics let the plants receive more sunlight.

It is easier to replant and pick the strawberries because some hydroponics are towers that can hold 5 square pots which each pot can hold to 4 plants per each pot and the towers rotate.

Many hydroponics systems give the plants more nutrition while at the same time using less energy and space.

When using hydroponics the plants are less at risk of getting a root disease than plants that are grown in the ground.

Hydroponics allow for easier fertilization as it is possible to use an automatic timer to fertilize the plants.

Maintenance for this system is very low.

It provides the plant with balanced nutrition because the essential nutrients are dissolved into the water soluble nutrient solution


Active Member
so i should wall my room off to 5x4 ? to get 20 SQ feet. Also the room is a corner of a basment so it should stay cool. I am guessing the 1000watt will put of a nice bit of heat. i have been reading for about a month or so now and am very excited to get this first grow started. so ideally i could have 20 plants growing in the room? i would like to have sea of green so i could have a harvest more often. i will need how many mothers to having 20 clones? maybe two? im guessing i will need 3 rooms 1 for the grow with the 1000 watt, 1 for the mothers is a few CFL's fine to keep them going? also what type of lighting will i need for my clones i will also need to veg them in this room since my hps is not the proper light for vegging what lights will i need to veg 20 plants.


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I would wall it off to 20 sq ft. You will get larger buds than you will if you stretch it out and give em less light.

I would buy a shoplight or two for veg and cloning. OR..if you have the $$$..the t-5 floros are VERY hard to beat. They keep yer plants short/squat. None of this reach for the sky crap.

CFL's..well..I'm not sold on em cus they cover such a small area with adequate light and if you're serious about growing..will just burn up valueable cash you can spend on something better/more suited for growing pot AND expansion. If you were ONLY cloning and trying to light a small tray of clones...CFL's (the small spiral ones) would be sufficient...but it looks to me like you're gonna wanna veg "a bit", so the t-5s or shoplights will give you adequate light for veg and will allow you to have more plants/spread em out a bit.

IMO...rather than 20 plants you'll be closer to 8-9....simply due to space considerations. More plants doesn't always mean more yield. I know folks who would slap ONE large TREE under that 1000 watter and that would be all they'd do. With 8-9 plants in there you can probably flower at 12" and end up at 18-24"...and it WILL be a full room..believe me!

Sup to you're the MASTER!

You can keep *moms* or take cuts from each veg plant on each cycle to keep it going. Your choice. Taking cuts from veg plants is what I do cus the moms were a pain and had to have their own space. They also get woody and you have to cycle em through...and I found it was harder to keep an old plant healthy and vigourous than a finding new shoot that wants to grow on a younger plant. Again tho..yer choice.

Again...and I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH...set the room up BEFORE you pop any seeds or find yourself with plants in hand. you need to make your adjustments and dial it in before the plants are in there.

good luck

bt dt