First time grower stealth cab grow


Well-Known Member
So would the 2 120mm PC fans work or nah?
Not all 120mm fans are the same. You got to pay attention to the cfm rating. Also, don't have more cfm's on your intake then you do for your exhaust. Doing so will creates problems with smell. I would suggest having a passive air intake though. Remember having a filter on will decrease your cfm, as well as other things like ductwork or light traps. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
he is running in a a dresser the cfm on those fans should be more then fine .......if u look at the ones on the market they are using 80mms he is 50% bigger .......the math holds up


Well-Known Member
I've seen 120mm fans as low as 35 cfm. Say he got one of those without looking and bought a 80mm that's rated higher and used it as a intake.

All I'm saying is make sure you check the cfm's before you buy any fan.


New Member
Will do thanks for the tip I should be getting fans tomorrow I'll post pics. What would be a good cfm rating for my size box. Any suggestions on how to mount the fan to cause as minimal vibration as possible to bring the noise level my lasts fans are way to loud


Well-Known Member
Since your going with pc fans I would get the highest cfm you can find, mine are 105 cfm. I think you would be good with anything above 60 cfm.


Well-Known Member
cfm u need to clean the room out in 5 mins is the normall rulle to go on

a 4x4x6.8 tent is 104 cf.....that one pc fan would clear out my tent in one min that is massive over kill u could run a a HPS in that with those speeds


Well-Known Member
not really it just has to be one of those 12volt jack plugs i think the guy in the video used a old cellphone charging plug in not do a strait plug like from a lamp it needs to be one of those used for like cell phones or wireless phones .............i do not know the terms but it asically steps down the engery so it is useable to the fans with out burning them out


Well-Known Member
ask some buddies if they have old charges or a old wireless phone ..............i am a bit of a pact rat if u were near here i have like 5 to offer

your last choice is radio shack back in the day they sold this great thing it had every power cord nub/plug u could think of and it was adjustable meaning u could make it 5 9 12 volt ac dc all that good stuff like 20 bucks but this is back in the 90s

i looked at the site i found this it should be prefect and looks like thats algator clips



Well-Known Member
before u commit tho double check

utube how to connect 12volt to computer fans ...........and post a ? in the electrical part of this stie to have someone with more knowagle confirm

i am giving u the best info i have i do not claim to be a expert ..............few years i will but not now


New Member
IMG_20130705_131919.jpgIMG_20130705_131958.jpgIMG_20130705_132005.jpgthese are the wires i found but im not quite sure if i could use them yet
IMG_20130705_132116.jpgIMG_20130705_132121.jpg I bought this fan today at radio shack only had enough for the one though i plan on getting another one

would the wires i posted work with this kind of fan?


Well-Known Member
u need to find a 12 volt to run 2 fans........if u look on the fan it tells u 6 v 7 volts a 12 volt will be prefect to run 2

ok as 24 hours i am going to edit and remove this part becuase i do not want the mods bitching at me ..............head to a walmart take a pair of wire cutters small ones or even a leatherman sissors would work look around for theoldest floor model of something(if u pick something that is dated and going out on clearance it is less of iffy feeling) unplug it and snip out the 12 volt plug pocket and walk away x-mas time when u see the salvation army or anouther charity give them 50 bucks and u are clear before new years so karma debt will not carry over

wires i see are 9 volt and 5 volt both of those are no good one is to high one is to weak for mounting it is pretty simple u can go with rubber orings or washers or silcone something like that and then pass a bolt tho and use a nut on the other side and get on finger tight then give 1/4 if the wood starts to move u can use cualking on the seams on the outside back part and that would sure it up so does not move once the plants are in there will be reduced even more

but the fans run at 21 dbs .......have a fan in the room to move air to keep u cool and u are more then covered for sound .......or a low lvl of music

here is the one thing i was talking about u can alter it to match what ever u need


Well-Known Member
a 6 volt would be best but a 7 volt will work .....................6 volt will get u maximum life out of fan the 7 volt u might lose 15 to 20% of the total time since the rpms will be higher


Well-Known Member
yes the current would spilt .......6 volts to 1 6 volts to the other .................feel free to check around but i am 100% sure about this one with the number of confirmed videos i have seen .........i have not seen any trouble it looks to be quick and easy ..........the only thing u need to do is make sure u cover and protect the wires once u done it trick is to wrap them in electrical tape each connections then pair up the - and th + so they are with each other (2 - and 2 + ) wrap them one more time then apply nail poish to the outside to seal it from moisture ........when it comes time to replace them cut the wire on the plug strip and redo with new fans


New Member
I need suggestions I'm trying to add my door on to my box and I'm thinking of using Velcro strips so that I can just stick my door on. I tried using the door hinges for it swing but it just isn't working. Would the Velcro strips be a good idea


New Member
i went and bought some velcro strips earlier today from walmart.
IMG_20130708_124705.jpg And man they work really really good they were 2 inches wide and i cut em half to conserve might come a time i need more.

IMG_20130708_120950.jpg after a bit of time getting the strips on amd them trimming off some excess velcro i had oner of my bigger lights plugged in and there were hardly any light leaks which i am patching up in this pic the light is on inside the bix and there arent any light leaks

IMG_20130708_121244.jpgIMG_20130708_121252.jpg i have one 42 watter cfl inside at the moment