First time grower stealth cab grow


New Member
Hi guys I'm currently making growbox . I am trying to get it as stealthy as possible for various reasons . I will get a grow going when I am done with the box and have it made and fine tuned to my preferences. Will post pics and criticism will be helpful as I would like some insight on my box.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
to make your own box ................u need to pick a strain and get the maximum the height to it then u need to add the height of the pot into that and then add in 2 inches 4 inches to be safe so the bulbs do not burn the top that is how tall it needs to be

as for width and depth i have a 14x11x35 inch i outgrow the box in 3 weeks so i say make it 20x20 .........that should be enought room for one fullsize plant (if u plan to top it then go 30x30 due to the fact it bushes)

as for hiding it u want the mylar with the air barriers that will protect it from IR cameras

here are pics of mine i picked it up for 250 off ebay


Well-Known Member
it was not me i got it from a guy a few miles away from here

he used the maylar with air bubbles double side tape and gluded it down .........out of the back there is one cord 15 foot and used a power box inside (so u only have one cord showing) if u do tyours like this u can pick a outlet that has more then just 2 sockets and it is grounded to protect from lighting strikes

right now i only use it to start off my plants i have a 4x4x6.8 foot tent the ppl i live with were cool with it so i did not need to hide it like that

the part i like best about it is the door he built it with a lower part of the front that does not open so if i did hydro and got a leak it would not spill all over the place

i can post u a video that will tell u how to do the computer fans 80mm ones and how to hook them up to a 12 volt power jack

the most important part is to make sure u do the wiring and all before u do the mylar so they are all covered up

i have one trick i have not done to it .....u know those brackets for the walls u use to hang shelfs looks like a little ladder then the arms for the shelf hooks in ........if u took 2 of those and put it inside it would allow u to move the lights up in half inch movements ........cfls can get with in 2 and half inches of a plant and not do harm


New Member

Here is my box so far i plan to make the 2 drawer doors into 1 whole door would help more with the disguise. I have a problem with the box being a little too loud for my preference. any ideas on ways i could bring the noise level.


Well-Known Member
it is your fans man the vibation of them is making the sound .................the only way to fix it is to change the fan ..............u want to get computer fans they are designed to be quite it is way u see so many of them in boxes

i am assuming those fans are 4 or 6 inchs is a 200mm (8 inch) computer fan .........u can inlarge the hole little and use this the noise will almost be gone
here is how to do it u can use a 12 volt plug from anything that u have that u do not want or no longer works correctly

hit walmart too and grab this ....................... u take th probe and put it in side and hang half way so u can look and see what it is in there with out opening

u have not accounted for smell blocking .................when u are ready for this info tell me i have a method to help controll it( i have confirmed it worked with mine)


New Member
Would i just need 2 of these kind of fans and it will be good for my box? The fans i have are 4 inch fans from walmart. Can i buy those pc fans from a radioshack or something and how much do they cost? And is there no way i could bring down noise level with fans i already have?


Well-Known Member
if the hole is 4 inchs u can go for 120mm ones but if u need to controll the oder and u are planning alot of lights i would go the 200mm ones

yes it should cover it .........u might like to keep one of those 4 inchers and mount that in the inside of it lower to the ground to move the co2 and cooler air up into the plant........but it needs to blow low wind or it moves around to much wind one spot will cause damage to plant


New Member
should i get one 120mm for intake and a 200mm for exhaust. about how much would these fans cost too. i was thinking of using ona gel blocks inside the box to get rid of smell but would it work completly or would i need more? i am on a budget to cant go spend all crrazy


Well-Known Member
i go with 200mm each rem u have to keep it balanced or it will drawl air tho cracks and increase the sfan speed on the 120

the 2 200mm fans will run u say 38 bucks with shipping

the gel does work but u have to replace it .............cost effect methods are a one time buy of a ozone gen bare bone model for like 50 bucks (this has no caseing0 or u could spend 120 for a commeral one ...........those are 100% effective for small grows u want to keep it outside the box near the exhust

second method .........on the oudside of the box u make a little frame around the vents and then u used active carbon screen pads to cover the intake and exhust and use 2700k cfls with mini ozone gens built in.........75 bucks and some time ..............the pics of my box is of that u can see the box with them on and off (it also acts as a light aborber so not a lot of leak tho the venting)

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Be careful with ozone though it can be dangerous, at first I was looking into all kinds of diy for odor control but I've realised that I would have much more peace of mind with a commercial carbon filter and a decent fan it'll cost more but with a rhino pro it should last >2 years at least


Well-Known Member
Be careful with ozone though it can be dangerous, at first I was looking into all kinds of diy for odor control but I've realised that I would have much more peace of mind with a commercial carbon filter and a decent fan it'll cost more but with a rhino pro it should last >2 years at least
carbon scrubber is always the way to go but u have the wrong amount of time ...........dust covers on them need replacing every 2 months ........the active carbon in them are good for about 1 year of sucking after that u need to replace the carbon.......i run a stil i did a alot work on active carbon..............the carbon is only good for so long then all the pours are filled up after that u need to toss it out and replace it with fressh stuff (there is a method of cleaning it but it requires a huge amount of steam near 600 degrees for 20 mins autoclave type of system)


New Member
thanks alot for the help guys i really really appreciate it . i cant really buy much of the internet my radio shack has 120mm pc fan could i get one for intake and exhaust would that be enough for my box. i was also thinking of making a diy carbon filter and then an ona gel block or 2


Well-Known Member
well the diy carbon is not worth i will tell u becuase u will get the stuff mess up need something else by the time u finish it will be 1/3 more then what u could have gotten from ebay or a shop for ...............this is personal exp i am offering your luck might be different but it is what happends on me


Well-Known Member
yes they will work ..........just watch the amount of lights u put in and the heat .......if it gets to hot u will need to remove some lights


Well-Known Member
all good man pass it on to someone one day when u can and we will call it even
knuckle bump