First Time Grower, Purple Haze

You wouldn't have to! They would already be there doing exactly what you want.:blsmoke:

How are the growths coming?
good point. I just had an epiphininy!!!!!!! why not just have a big-ass gym looking thing instead of the mansion I was planning on. put a big-ass bed in the middle with a bong beside it. I'd be set for life
they are bigger. unfortunatly i left them outside when i went away for the weekend. it rained b4 i got back and they took on too much water 1 of the 3 is doing perfect and the other 2 are making great recoveries. this weekend i will put them in seperate pots and take more pics
im growing purple haze for my 1st plant in florida... summer is on the way so itl be about 96 dregrees 90% humidity, suggestions?
I haven't seen Purple Haze this milleneum. The last time I smoked any was in 2000 in Amsterdam, at" The Other Place" coffeeshop. I was surprised to see it then too...
grass399 - I know those FL summers. Are you growing outdoors or indoors? If outdoors, how the hell are you pulling that off in central/southern Florida? And if indoors, forecasted temps/humidity won't matter unless you don't have A/C (and in the Sunshine State® that's just preposterous). Before you start make sure you have what you need set up already. Planting seeds and then trying to find out what to do is never a good start. Trust me, I learned that the hard way. And make a grow journal! Everyone here loves helping people, and the easiest way for them to keep tabs on you is with one of those. Good luck to ya!
about a month into it some new pics


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:o Those poor plants look scrawnier than mine did at one month!

Break down your grow set up for us.
lights, vents, water, temps, humidity, etc.
well i am going to seperate them hopefully then they grow a bit faster, but basically a pot with miricle grow in it. tap water everyday and they sit outside. as basic as you can get
You may want to separate them sooner, rather than later. Trying to untangle 3 plants worth of roots will not be fun for you or your babies.
u shouldnt use mir. gro. this early
Jury's still out on that one, from what I understand. About 1/3 of the journals I've seen on here use MG, and it works fine seedling to harvest for all of them. There are rare cases where the MG burns the plants with nutes right in the beginning, but I've only read about a couple of those.
MG is currently and has been burning my plants leaves. It's my first grow so I didn't know better when I planted them. I also noticed a little sprout, which I ripped out quickly. I will never be using it again.
my dad was a smoking pot dude back in the day and use to grow purlple haze.I was young at the time, but older buddies I knew told me your dad grows the best purple haze.It was the first bud I ever smoked .so the 1st bud I ever smoked was grown by my dad.It felt like I was tripping a little.but I do remember it being purple,I used to be embarrassed about it when I was younger.but now Im very proud that my father grew good smoke that people wanted.the purple haze has never been seen again,by me .my father died and left his stuff with his buddies,but thats why Im purple haze 2
thanks. yah ive decided to grow seeds prone to summer, i have some dro so i guess thats a good start for a beginner grower like myself. maybe when winter hits and it get down to low 70 higher 60's ill start the purple haze :D. thank you for the advice
i transferred mine into the miracle gro soil... feeds up to 3 months.
i just dont recomend starting with it.
Sorry it took so long for some updates, well here they are.

Let me know what you think.


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here are some more, let me know what you think!


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