First TIme Grower...please help


Well-Known Member
Yea dude get a fan on that thing for the stem to grow nice and strong. Also move the light closer. If that fails just bury the stem in soil.


Well-Known Member
aww mate what happened? did it just keel over? lookin at the pic where you buried the stem it looks fine, like a seedling should look. shame, onwards n upwards tho, are your seeds feminised? if not you might wana germ two or three beans to increase your chances of getting a female, just pretend the late seedling was gonna be a male, might make ya feel better. never lost a plant before, i think id be gutted. good luck for second time around ;-)


Active Member
Thanks mate.. I got some other ones on the go and they are looking good,, Now growing nice and straight with leaves starting to form.. I just can't wait for then plants to finish.. I got a long way to go yet but I kept checking them every few hours.. I have become addicted to watching them grow.. The first crop is gonna be awesome. .Thanks for all your help. If you don't mind I will be asking you again later for help on making sure I get some bud.. I will be gutted if they turn out to be male plants.. I have a fan going on them for about 6 hours a day.. is that enough? Cheers


Well-Known Member
yea try and keep the fan on 24hrs if you can as soon as it sprouts for the first week or two, on the lowest speed oscillating about 2-3feet away just to give them a light breeze blowing over the top of them to wobble the stems a little, after 2 weeks your stems should be nice and strong, just dont have the fan blowing constantly on the seedling or youl have wind burn in no time, justa breeze as the fan oscillates from side to side. it will also help to blow the heat away from the cfl and reflector so it should help somewhat to stop the stretching too.


Well-Known Member
No way of telling yet, they will show their sex as pre-flowers after 4-6 of veg, what have you got those planted in mate? it looks like theyre growing out of a glass of water???


Active Member
Hi mate.. I am growing the young plants out of a thing called the aerogarden, I am going to transfer them over to pots with fertliser once they get bigger. Also I just dont have the space to setup a proper grow room.. So I am hoping this method will work for me..


Well-Known Member
oh right im with you now, dont really know any thing about the aero garden. my plants are all organic soil grown start-finish. considered growing in a tent? you can put em up pretty much anywhere, in your bedroom if you want it out the way? my place is spacially challenged too, but i had to make space for my lil veg room in a cupboard under the the cold water storage tank, i can get five plants up to two feet in there, and im lucky i have a large cupboard that my 1.2m square tent flower room just fits into!