First time grower...Opinions and suggestions welcome and wanted.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Bonzi Lighthouse, nailz92002 and machnak for the help.
+Rep to all of you for helping out a Noob. Much appreciated!!!

Low gangster hi.gif


Well-Known Member

23 days of Veg.

So I watered and misted them today.

pH references:

Water 7.6
Bubblelicious runoff 6.5 and 6.8
White Castle runoff 6.6
Master Kush runoff 6.5
baby Bubblelicious 6.5

Going to wait a few days and give them their 2nd dose of Nutes.


Low roll-up.gif



Nice work. Give them just plain water and then wait 4 the top of the soil to b bone dry even if it takes like 3 days then fertilise them. I always like to give them dat little break just to ensure im not over feeding them and to give them enough time to drain the soil of nutes and if with that system they start to get a little pale i no that girl is a heavy feeder and i give her more nutes say 5ml per litre compered to the other girls who get 3.5ml per litre then water break - feed - water break - feed until they all look right. Sometimes even with the same strain u can burn 1 plant and the others not at all giving them the exact same feed.


Active Member
Nice work. Give them just plain water and then wait 4 the top of the soil to b bone dry even if it takes like 3 days then fertilise them. I always like to give them dat little break just to ensure im not over feeding them and to give them enough time to drain the soil of nutes and if with that system they start to get a little pale i no that girl is a heavy feeder and i give her more nutes say 5ml per litre compered to the other girls who get 3.5ml per litre then water break - feed - water break - feed until they all look right. Sometimes even with the same strain u can burn 1 plant and the others not at all giving them the exact same feed.
That's so true. It's even more obvious when you grow in Hydro. How I dial in the nutrients with a new strain is I feed the plants exactly the same amount of nutes. Then wait for the plants to react (takes a week or less). If its too much I back off on the amount (nute burn on leaf tips) , and vise versa (pale green, yellowing of leafs). Although there is always one plant that won't react the same way as the rest. Ironically, that one plant usually yields the most out of the bunch. I guess it's mother nature's way of saying sorry about the extra hassle, here have more bud. LOL

PEace and positive energy



Well-Known Member

25 days of Veg.

Here are a few pics of my Bubblelicous (Autos).

In the group shot the Bubbelicous are in the back.
White Castle(front left),Master Kush(middle)and the little one in the front is a Bubblelicous.


Low roll-up.gif



Well-Known Member

26 days of Veg.

Switched my 400W Lumatek ballast to the super lumen setting. I forgot it was there.
I guess its supposed to increase the lumens by a small percent.

Fed the plants today

1Tbl - Molasses
1Tbl - FF Big Bloom
1tsp - FF Grow Big

pH was:
water 7.8
water with nutes and molasses 6.8
runoff was between 6.3 and 6.8 for the 5 plants.

1 of the Bubblelicous has some yellowing on a few leaves.I'm a total NOOB,but I'm guessing nitrogen deficiency maybe?

Hoping the nitrogen in the Grow Big helps.

Also found a lil tear or a missing piece of leaf on the same Bubblelicous plant.
Could it be from a bug?

Pics 1,2,3 yellowing.
pic 4 bug bite ?
pics 5,6 Group shots.
Front row-Bubblelicous,Master Kush,Bubblelicous.
Back row White Castle (on left),baby Bubblelicous (on right)

Thanx for any input.




nah that happens when leaves are fat like dat. idk y but i think its coz they grow too fast. as for that on the leaf i dont think its nitro, maybe cal mag give it a few days (maybe slight nute burn) who no's its too early 2 tell


Well-Known Member
Thanx ,S.B.

No signs of burn or any yellowing after their 2nd feeding.So everything is looking good.



Well-Known Member

30 days of Veg.

The plants received a bath today....gave them a heavy watering. Not a full flush,but had a good amount of runoff.

They'll get their nutes in a few days.

Oh,also ordered some seeds from Attitude for the 1st time.For future grows...

Used the 420 code and ordered the XXL t-shirt.

Nirvana Seeds Northern Lights Autoflowering Feminize Pack (10) Seeds
Advanced Seeds Low Girl Feminized (1) seed
Advanced Seeds Sweet Dwarf Feminized (1) seed (Pabloesqobar,thanx for the idea)

UFO#1 Kannabia Seeds BCN Diesel Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE
UFO#2 Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE
UFO #3 Reserva Privada Cole Train Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE
Short Stuff Seeds Onyx Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE
Short Stuff Seeds Blue Himalaya Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE
Short Stuff Seeds Super-Cali Haze (super auto) Feminized (1) seed FREEBIE

LowView attachment 1087911



Well-Known Member

31 days of Veg.

Here are a few close up pics of the Bubblelicous and Master Kush.(pics are labeled)

Group shot:
Front row- 2 Bubblelicous
Middle- Master Kush
Back row left side-White Castle,Right side-Baby Bubblelicous




Well-Known Member
Shweet. I actually just threw up a new update pic. If you didn't see it, it's there now. I'll probably start flowering after I transplant and as soon as I know they've taken to the larger containers.


Well-Known Member

33 days of Veg.

Plantz got their nutes today.

1-Tbl Molasses
1-Tbl FF Big Bloom
3-tsp FF Grow big

Thinking of changing the light cycle to 12/12 to put them into their flowering stage soon.
The Bubblelicous are autos that haven't flowered yet.
Hope the white Castle and kush grow a LiL bit more in the next few days.

Measured the plantz today.
White Castle-10"
Bubblelicous-9 1/2"
Master Kush-8 1/2"
Youngest Bubblelicous-5 1/2"

pH for todays feeding:
Nute solution-6.4

Group shotz:
Front row- 2 Bubblelicous
Middle- Master Kush
Back row left side-White Castle,Right side-Baby Bubblelicous




no pillsfor you wife oxys are horrible if shes in pain eat high concentrate edibles my friend is dieing of cancer and edibles really help
heat may be a prob, but idk. don't have exp. w/ that size bulb (400). i know someone who had a grow box that was approx. that size. used flouro's in it and did fine starting plants, and growing them up to the top of the box, then they went outside. cause once they get up to the top, and they will quick!, you'll have to eventually start em' or move on out. this dude eventually made a cheap closet out of particle board that was the same width and length as the box, but the height increased to 7 ft.! u seem to really be on top of everything as far as soil, and equipment and wat not, and w/ the ventilation.....good luck w/ ur grow
one last thing tho, please, if u can, help ur wife stop taking oxy's. i can say from personal experience that those fucking pills are one of the worst things mankind has ever created!!!!! i have known at least five ppl who have overdosed and died. and twice that many willing to sell their souls for their next one! your on the right track, getting the good gear, all the right equip., researching, soon you'll have all the dank she'll need to medicate herself. maybe it'll help her beat her disorder! but take it from a former pill head, weed is the only drug that truly helps me w/ pain, stress, watevr..... w/o life altering side effects! i hope the best for both of ya!


Well-Known Member
no pillsfor you wife oxys are horrible if shes in pain eat high concentrate edibles my friend is dieing of cancer and edibles really help
Hi this is Low's wife.
Thanks for your concern. Those oxy's are a doozy so I got off them about a year ago. They really didn't do anything for my pain believe it or not. I'm now on methadone and morphine but really I don't like taking these pills at all. Smoking really is the only that helps on multiple levels. I'm really excited about our new grow. I'd much rather use something natural that comes out of the ground than something that's made in a factory.



Well-Known Member
Hi this is Low's wife.
Thanks for your concern. Those oxy's are a doozy so I got off them about a year ago. They really didn't do anything for my pain believe it or not. I'm now on methadone and morphine but really I don't like taking these pills at all. Smoking really is the only that helps on multiple levels. I'm really excited about our new grow. I'd much rather use something natural that comes out of the ground than something that's made in a factory.

hey there your doing a great job with your plants!! have you tought of taking cuttings?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Low. Our grows are identical in a handful of ways, I've just noticed.Number of plants, lighting, nutrients AND we have the same oscilating fan.Imagine that lol. I actually just started flowering today with no update pics though. I reached my height I can get away with, so now it's time to get stinky. You're looking nice and bushy over there keep it up.