First time grower, northern lights, dark green leaves with yellow veins... nutrients?


Active Member
Hi all,

Im a first time grower, growing a couple of plants in closet, under a 150W HPS bulb, I am using a quarter dilution of NPK 20-20-20, as my plants are only a week and a half old. I tried to grow once before using an identical setup as i am now, but all my girls went yellow and died. after reading some posts on this forum I identified that it was nutrient burn from accidently splashing fertiliser solution onto the top leaves....

Now with the new attempt I have planted new seeds in fresh compost and I am following some prety strict guidlines listed somewhere on this forum. Please if someone could take a look at the pic below and tell me what I'm doing wrong this time... my strongest plant is a really strong green colour but it has started to go yellow on the veins and in the centre of the leaves. please help me, i dont want to fail with this set....


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
what type soil are you using what watering schedule areyou on you need to give more info,
you shouldent be feeding anything its probly a toxcisity thats blocking nutes


Active Member
Im using a standard multi purpose potting compost, im checking the ph level every few days, it is just above 6. Im watering whenever the top 2" of soil are dry using tap water with no extra fert.....Any help would be greatly appreciated..thanks


Well-Known Member

Let it sit out for 24-36 hours so the chlorine and other chemicals can dissipate

Also as said before, don't start nutes until at least 2 weeks


Active Member
Yeah the door of the room is opened enough for the plants to be well vented...Im not using any ferts at this stage, just the water. Could the tap water cause the problems shown in the picture?? The soil is a genral peat based potting compost......


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
im not giving the plants any additional nutes
just keep givine them ph'ed water tellthey develope a good root struture, then start feeding them 1/4 the streanth nuts. they welllook a yellowish color tell you start feeding them. just don't over water :bigjoint: