First time grower needs step by step instructions on what to do with this stuff..


Well-Known Member
This is why its a pain.... because instead of doing your own homework, you actually think people are going to write you a small manual. The manual your looking for is called GrowFAQ. Upper left hand corner of your monitor.

Aw, come on guys. I had a bunch of 'newbie' questions not too long ago myself.
Sound familiar you fucking hypocrite? :hump:


Well-Known Member
thanx for the backup guys!
Jesus guy's,the guy is a noob & wants to learn,the grow faq here sucks & why not help him anyway,even if there is anything worth reading in the faq.

I'll help you,you can pm me direct or keep posting in this thread.

First off you need to germinate the seeds,dont worry about what strain it is,that comes later after they grow up a bit,the first issue is to get em growing.

To germinate you want to place the seeds in a vial of room temp tap water for 48 hours in the dark,after 48 hours you should see most of the seeds on the bottom & cracked open,these are the seeds you want,take the floaters & toss them out.

Now take the seeds,pour them onto a clean damp paper towel,fold the paper towel over twice making sure you can open it without tearing it,place the paper towel containing the seeds in a dish then cover the dish with celophane wrap & let it sit in a warm place,you can put the dish places like on top of the refridg or any other electronic device that emits steady heat,i use an old tv set & put it over the vent on the back.

Let the dish sit for 3 days & walla,when you open the towel you'll have tap roots about an inch long,now its time to plant them in your soil.

Mix potting soil & perlite at a 70% soil & 30% perlite ratio,then poke a pencil or something clean about 1 inch into the soil,place the root side down into the soil & cover very lightly,the new sprouts will reach for the light within 48 hours as long as the room temps are between 75 degrees & 80 degrees,once they've popped their lil heads up then its off to the grow area.

Forget about the nutrients/fertilizer you have for quite a while,do not be in a rush,growing is easy as long as you take it real slow & stay away from fertilizer until the plants tell you they need it.

Once you make it as far as sprouts popping out of the soil repost your progress in this thread or pm me & i'll take you a few steps further,putting too much info at you right now is putting the cart before the horse,take it a few steps at a time & we'll have you growing green in a few weeks,as you progress you'll find more members willing to help.

You dont have to talk in code here either,unless it makes you feel better,this is a good site with good people,so far in my time here ive not witnessed one member being taken down from using the site.

If you want i can follow your progress as it happens & walk you through the entire grow from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
This is why its a pain.... because instead of doing your own homework, you actually think people are going to write you a small manual. The manual your looking for is called GrowFAQ. Upper left hand corner of your monitor.
Why are you even taking part in the forums then,some people are here to return the favors that were bestowed on them from other members when they first got going,i was lucky enough to recieve an assload of info from members like Filthyfletch,Victorviscous,Albfuct,Fdd2blk,Email & even the dreaded Loudblunts when i came here,they helped me in great detail,now i grow stupid fat buds,the help you say nobody is willing to give is furthest from the truth,there are still a few of us left who dont mind taking on noobs.

Try helping noobs instead of bashing them,thats what the forums are here for,not for your personal jollies.

This kinda shit on Rollitup needs to stop.


Well-Known Member
Jesus guy's,the guy is a noob & wants to learn,the grow faq here sucks & why not help him anyway,even if there is anything worth reading in the faq.

I'll help you,you can pm me direct or keep posting in this thread.

First off you need to germinate the seeds,dont worry about what strain it is,that comes later after they grow up a bit,the first issue is to get em growing.

To germinate you want to place the seeds in a vial of room temp tap water for 48 hours in the dark,after 48 hours you should see most of the seeds on the bottom & cracked open,these are the seeds you want,take the floaters & toss them out.

Now take the seeds,pour them onto a clean damp paper towel,fold the paper towel over twice making sure you can open it without tearing it,place the paper towel containing the seeds in a dish then cover the dish with celophane wrap & let it sit in a warm place,you can put the dish places like on top of the refridg or any other electronic device that emits steady heat,i use an old tv set & put it over the vent on the back.

Let the dish sit for 3 days & walla,when you open the towel you'll have tap roots about an inch long,now its time to plant them in your soil.

Mix potting soil & perlite at a 70% soil & 30% perlite ratio,then poke a pencil or something clean about 1 inch into the soil,place the root side down into the soil & cover very lightly,the new sprouts will reach for the light within 48 hours as long as the room temps are between 75 degrees & 80 degrees,once they've popped their lil heads up then its off to the grow area.

Forget about the nutrients/fertilizer you have for quite a while,do not be in a rush,growing is easy as long as you take it real slow & stay away from fertilizer until the plants tell you they need it.

Once you make it as far as sprouts popping out of the soil repost your progress in this thread or pm me & i'll take you a few steps further,putting too much info at you right now is putting the cart before the horse,take it a few steps at a time & we'll have you growing green in a few weeks,as you progress you'll find more members willing to help.

You dont have to talk in code here either,unless it makes you feel better,this is a good site with good people,so far in my time here ive not witnessed one member being taken down from using the site.

If you want i can follow your progress as it happens & walk you through the entire grow from start to finish.

what can I say to that, Wow dude, you're a cool ass guy for offering you're help like that and it just so happens I'm in dire need of assistance as of right now.

It's been 6 days since the seed was planted, leaves and stem sprouted completely Friday evening. I've had the mini plant under T5 grow lights, bloom and grow, since Friday evening. Today is Monday and the plant has not really grown anymore, the temp. is 86 to 90 degrees(don't know how to reduce this except by pulling the light higher up) and I think this might have something to do with the slow growing. I'm watering every 4 to 5 hours because the fan and light seem to dry out the soil rather quickly. I have Sensi Grow additive ready to mix but I don't know what quantity to mix, how much to administer to the plant and how often. I'm at a really crucial stage here since I think my plant is dying. Please tell me what to do next. I was going to add Sensi Grow to the plant as per my wife's suggestion but I happened upon the thread I started for more advice and ran into your helpful post. Please HELP! And thanks again for the advice and offer to see my grow throught to the end. I can't ask for more than that. Wow. Thanks!

Here are some pics, anything else you need from me let me know please(the pot is about a 47gl. pot or so, I germinated in the soil to eliminate the need to transplant and possibly kill the plant at the later stages, I want this to be it's permanent home)



Active Member
i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???


Active Member
i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???


Active Member
i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???


Well-Known Member
i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???
I have no idea what it is but I definately know it's not good, ask panhead on this thread if you only want a quick answer. If you want more detailed attention I suggest starting a thread on the topic and I'm sure he'll give you a quick precise reply....he's helping me out with my grow. And sorry if I'm overstepping my bound Panhead but it seems like a pretty simple question for you to answer and like you said, we should help right?


Well-Known Member
i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???
Hey man... you gotta start your thread if you need help. It's generally not cool to hijack someone else's thread to ask for help. I know you are new and meant no disrespect, and I'm only pointing out how to go about getting the best help in the quickest time... I'm not bashing you :-D

Start a new thread and explain your situation in detail. Tell us what strain you are growing, what soil or medium you are growing in, what type of water and how often are you watering them, nutrient information if any, and most importantly.... INCLUDE PHOTOS. The best descriptions often fail to properly illustrate the problems. As they say "a picture is worth 1000 words", and nowhere is this more true than when diagnosing plant problems.

Good luck, and I'll keep my eyes open for your thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud,sorry for the delay in helping but i spent the day writing up a tutorial on installing power lines to the grow room.

First off dont panic as there is no rush,your very smart to have not used the fertilizer you have,understand this before you proceed,anything that it printed on the back of a fertilizer container as to when & how much fertilizer to use is bullshit sales gimmiks & most likely deadly to your plants.

I see some problems that need to be corrected asap,1st off that massive planter you have her in has got to go,get a red solo party cup to plant her in from the dollar store,ya know the kind that we all used to drink out of at keg parties when we were kids,thats what you want,or a small planter of around the same size,i'll explain further.

Watering right now is very crucial,it's equally as deadly to overwater as it is to underwater,when you water your goal is to let the soil dry out near completely before watering again,if root systems remain wet all the time the plant will suffocate from lack of oxygen,think of a fish tank that is air tight with one lil fish in the tank,it might take a week but sooner or later that lil sukin fish is going to use all the oxygen in the water,then it suffocates & slowly dies.

Right now with that massive planter your fighting a loosing battle,what you'll end up with from the constant watering is a ball of mud in the middle of the planter that roots will never ever grow in, because it never dries out,once again gently transplant that lil girl asap into a container of 1 quart or less.

Now on to watering,after you transplant her give her a nice drink of water,plain water with no fertilizer,most potting soil has enough natural nutrients to easily carry the plant through its 1st month of life,make sure the water is at or near room temp,give her just enough water to wet the top 3 inches of the soil,if you do use a party cup it takes about 25% of the volume in the party cup to properly water her,make very sure that at the bottom of the cup or planter that there are 3 holes for drainage,in a party cup the holes need to be about the size of a pencil in thickness or even a little larger but no smaller,be sure the cup is raised up off what it's sitting on so the excess water can escape the bottom of the cup.

Next you need to lower the tempature,the temps your plants are at right are not as high to be deadly overnight but they are cooking the plant,get the temp down to between 72 degrees & 78 degrees,later on the temps can get higher but seedlings develop much better in those temps.

When you transplant her it would be easier for her to grow new roots if the soil has more perlite in it from what i see in the pics,i can only see so much from pics but from the looks of your soil cracking & seperating where it's dried out is not a good sign,seedlings need a very soft & fluffy mix to do their best,a nice soil mix would be 70% potting soil & 30% perlite,you can even go as high as 50% perlite & she'll still grow fine so dont worry about putting in too much perlite.

Now on to your fan,you want it blowing in the direction of the plant but very gently,you want a very light flutter of the stem,at this stage of the plants life you want the stem to have visable movement at all times but very very light,this helps stimulate the plant to produce hormones or some shit that i cant remember off the top of my head,i took a pain killer for my back & am a little loopy right now :lol: anyhow the effect of the stimulation will result in faster growth & stronger stem making the plant more resiliant.

Right now its not super important to have the light so close to the plant,keeping temps in check is more important,another benifit of having her in a party cup until she gets stronger is that if she gets stretched from having the light too far away you can correct the stretching when you transplant by putting her deeper into her next size pot,dont be afraid of transplanting,a party cup will hold her for 3 weeks easy with no ill effects to the plant .

Do these things & im sure you'll be ok,for sure keep resting the urge to fertilize her,she's just a baby & even very weak fertilizer can burn her to death,im pretty sure ive answered all the questions you posed to me,if not post again & ill answer more as i'll be online on rollit up for several more hours.

Have fun.



Well-Known Member
Hey Levi,

I hear ya buddy. I used to take a bottle of Aleve a week until I started burning again. Now I barely ever take a Tylenol or anything. Maybe once every couple of months if the pain is really too intense to bear any longer. I've suffered from chronic muscle spasms and neck and back pain since I was 15 years old and all the docs would ever say is take these pills. I hate pills cuz they mess up your kidneys and liver and I was starting to feel those negative effects a couple years back. And sorry about the "friend of mine" schtick. Can't ever be too careful ya know? Sorry if it was in bad taste.

Well, I took your advice and did mostly everything except change the soil because it's 9pm here so it's too late to buy soil. The temp. has dropped to about 79 degrees F. I just moved the light all the way up. Don't know if this is good or not but it was the only way to bring down the heat some. I watered to the best of my ability just trying to make it look nice and wet. About how often should I water her now that she's in a 1 quart container? I've been going by eye until now. I had a 1 quart container laying around so I put it in that. Didn't see any drainage coming out the bottom though. Must be the soil? Need that perlite huh? Well here's the new pics. Tomorrow I'll get better soil. Hope she lasts the night. Anything I missed please let me know and thank you so much again man, the world would be a better place if there we're more decent folk like you. :weed:



Well-Known Member
Until you get some perlite in the soil be very carefull watering,without perlite the soil stays dense & compact,thus not allowing the allmighty oxygen t reach the roots,plus soil dries extremely slow when its compact.

Dig around in the soil with your finger making sure not to touch the tap root,when you feel the soil is getting dry about an inch down lwater it again,there is no set amount that you need to water.

Its so easy once the plant has established roots,i know im harping on the perlite deal but excellent drainage is essential in learning to water properly,once perlite is added then you have something to work with,you pour enough water in until some drains out the bottom of the planter,then wait until the soil feels dry about an inch down & water again in the same fashion until water drains out the bottom.

FYI the cheapest place ive ever found to buy perlite is at Meijers where it's $4 a bag.


Well-Known Member
...I'm off to buy some perlite now...I'll report in later again for an update. And thanks for the link Perfexionist...I'll give it a read when I get back..:weed:


Well-Known Member
So here's the latest, I was able to only get a perlite, soil, sphagnum or something peat moss type of mix. See the pic for more details. I think this is pretty close to what you suggested so I'm crossing my figers. It did drain pretty well so my guess is that it should suffice. I also bought an extra fan for circulation and the temp. is at about 79.9 deg. F. although it's gone down to 78 or 76 on ocassion since the changes to soil and such took place. I think it's good to go, I'll just wait for the next step from you to be safe. And before I forget, 1. the thermometer has a couple of different readings that I don't understand too well. If you could look at the pic and tell me what all those numbers mean? The top one says out and the bottom one says in, in case you cant see the details too well. I tried to take the best pic possible. Also, 2. I have the metal end of the cable coming out of the thermometer in the soil. Is this the correct way to place this end? I just figured it was but I'd like to be sure. And 3. Do you think the circulation and such is adequate now that I brought a new fan into the mix? I think I got the watering down too according to your suggestions. So that's all I can think of right now...any other queries I might have I'll be sure to post.....and thanks again man, I don't think she would've survived the night if not for your timely intervention....Have a good evening my friend! bongsmilie

