first time grower needs help


Well-Known Member
So I've successfully failed 3 plants already..Im hoping I dont fail this plant that is currently on day 3. Can anybody give me advice on how to prevent over and underwatering? How can I tell that I have watered my plant enough?


Active Member
Advice.. Don't try to control the grow.

Step one : soak seed 24 hours in cup filled with water (or paper towel method)
Step two : plant seed in wet soil. Not too wet.
Step three : give it light and heat
Step four : forget about it for 1 week.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
I use a skinny 12-inch bamboo skewer to push down into the rootball. When you pull it out you
check to see if there is wet soil on the skewer. Should tell you how much moisture is in the pot.

When the skewer comes out dry it is time to do a good watering. In a 3-gallon pot I would give
her a half-gallon of room temp. water. But first, tip the dry pot or pick it up so you recognize what a dry pot
feels like. After watering pick up again and compare to dry lift. Repeat if necessary.



Well-Known Member
What about for a seedling bigsteve? Obviously I wouldn't water it that much but does that same method work early in the plant life?


Well-Known Member
Fill another identical pot with soil. Then feel the weight difference until you get the hang of it.


Yea I would definitly fill another pot also til you can see where its supposed to be at. if the top of the soil is starting to dry out i would add alittle water. I generally put my finger about a inch into the soil (in bigger pots) and see if I can feel moisture on my finger, if I can I leave it. if not I add water. You can tell also by if the leaves look all puffed out and kind of swelled between the veins like little pillows lol then you are overwatering, if the leaves dont seem to be "reaching for the light" and kind of drooping alittle bit then I add water, and I dont mean wait til they droop over and are all rubbery i mean when they just start to go down alittle but are still firm.


Well-Known Member
so in between waterings should the soil ever get completely dry? I watered my plant earlier today (day 3 in soil) Im afraid I may have underwatered because the soil is completely dry now even when i put my finger down in the soil.
When watering seedlings dont give them loads of wayer u dont want to drown them its better to give them lots of little waterings over a monthly period than to give them 4 big waterings . Let the soil dry out a little this makes the roots search for water and give u a better root system .and a good root system =a good lush plant ...also this allows the roots the oxygen it need ..


Well-Known Member
Is peat moss and perlite considered a good starter medium? Ive got a new seed I'm ready to plant but I refuse to use any more of that commercial organic mix bullshit