First time grower..need advice


Active Member
Wut up spliff inhalers!?..I recently had the urge to start growing the sweet leaf plant known as Marijuana or az I like to call her 'JaneMary', n e wayz one of my homies started growing and has inspired me to start also..Ive never planted anything in my life and have been going thru this websites posts(other sites as well) and have come along thru very helpful threads.

Nuff wit da small talk..
I started by germinating l5-20 seeds out of a shwag sack(the shwag was actually good for being commercial) the seeds were nice and plump and had a nice brownish color to them with little zigzag rings/veins around em..i put them between 6 moist paper towels and put em in a little sandwich baggie from previous buys, I put them inside my rooms' vent which wud throw out very nice heat and were secluded from light, in about 3 days the little 'eggs' hatched with roots. I picked out the best 5 from my untrained knowledge and chose the 3 best out of the original 5. My buddy gave me miracle-gro soil and I used solo(not clear, but blue) party cups for their first home, i filled 2/3 of these cups with da miracle-gro and planted my seeds roots down and put a little soil over them, so now I had 3 cups filled wit miracle grow and newly hatched seeds. Im using 4 CFL's i found around the house and hung them 2 inches away from the soil and plant and each produces 900 lumen's so were looking at 3600 lumen's for three plants i also have aluminum foil taped around some pizza boxes i found for better light, im doing 18/6 for the day/night mimic, i also have a dehumidifier and oscillating fan running 24hrs on a walk-in closet in da basement where the environment seems suitable for my babies from what ive seen and read. It has been a week and a half and they've grown about 2.5 inches. I'm on an extreme low budget until my taxes come in in about a couple of weeks so i have no ph meter and no ph solutions so i dont know where the ph stands, ive let the water sit out for about 2/3 days before i watered them so the chlorine cud evaporate. I wait until the soil gets dry wich usually took about 3 days before i watered them again. They seem healthy and have a nice green to them but recently they seem like the leaves are like wrinkling and drooping, but they seemed to get sturdier when i watered them yesterday, so my prediction was lack of water for the wrinkling and droopin..

My questions are as follows:

Is there anything im doing wrong?

Are the 3600 lumens enuff for their whole vegetative state?

Should i water them more often if they keep drooping?

Should i keep them in the solo cups for their whole vegetative?

Can i flower with the current lumens im providing?

Any advice wud be greatly appreciated for this newbie grower..

Peace:peace: n stay HIGHbongsmilie:joint:!


Well-Known Member
answers 1.DONT use nutes from the beggining coz you will burn the fuckin seedlings 2.You don't have enought light(my opinion) 3.You should keep them in solo cups for their entire life 4.for flowering you'll need to buy a hps light,coz your cfl are far from enought . Peace!!! Cheetah


Well-Known Member
get some bigger pots, and some proper compost, with 1/4 perlite added, and 2" of pebbles in the bottom of your pots for good drainage.
also have you got a fan blowing?.


Well-Known Member
press reply
then click on the paperclip
then browse
then upload your pics
from what you have saved from you mem card to your pc.
then wait for them to download
then post reply.


Active Member
its wierd i tried to upload it on firefox itsaid finisded uploading and then i hit reply, i just tried it on internet explorer but it said server not found..ill try one more time on firefox..


Active Member
Im no expert but I believe all the drooping could be from over watering the plant. Just because the top soil may be dry, doesnt mean an inch or two down in the cup is. Did you put drainage holes at the bottom of those cups? Check using your finger next time before watering, stick it down about two inches and if it feels dry then water it. You want the roots to grow and search for water. Like I said though no expert.


Active Member
thanks i didnt know about nutrient burning, wut commercial soil do u reccommend for seedlings? u r right i might have overwatered them, im an idiot...:confused:


Well-Known Member
not idiot, just a am i.i've made some mistakes like yours.just wait with the fertilizer until the end of week 3.peace!!! Cheetah