First time grower; my clones arrive tomorrow

Hello everyone,
Any and all advice is greatly appreciate it! First of all I will be using an old greenhouse in my backyard. I'm starting out with 12 plants. I just bought a 600w light, reflector and ballast. I figure I will need to get another light, if so, what size and when should I get it? I am going to start the plants in 3 gallon pots. I plan on moving them into 5 gallon pots. When should I move them into the bigger pots? Also, when should I start using nutrients when watering and when should I stop using nutrients? I also will be putting an oscillating fan in the greenhouse for temperature and so the leaves can get slight movement. Thank you all for the help!
your 600 watt light will be good to veg your 12 plants under, i would definatly get another 600 for flowering 6 largish plants under each light. a good rule of thumb when to transplant is when u can see lots of roots coming through the drainage holes on the pots.
i would start nutes after about 2 - 3 weeks of growth at a very mild/diluted strenght about a quarter of whats recomended on the bottles.
hope this helps good luck


Well-Known Member
Once the catlydones (round leaves) fall off, then you should start nutes.

edit: i forgot you had clones, so i would start nutes right away at 1/4 recommended amount and if they respond good up the dose the next time.


Active Member
ur outside in a greenhouse? dude u shud go all out and get the 1000 watter i wud..why no increase your yield.
your 600 watt light will be good to veg your 12 plants under, i would definatly get another 600 for flowering 6 largish plants under each light. a good rule of thumb when to transplant is when u can see lots of roots coming through the drainage holes on the pots.
i would start nutes after about 2 - 3 weeks of growth at a very mild/diluted strenght about a quarter of whats recomended on the bottles.
hope this helps good luck
8ml flora micro and 16 ml flora boom mixed with water is what I plan on using. Do I need to add anything else to this formula in your opinion? Also for soil, I plan on using fox farm soil. Should I mix anything with this fox farm soil? Thanks again for all your help everyone! I truly do appreciate it


Active Member
Personally I would get a 1000w light a 600w with that many plants is pushing it. And I would not wait to see roots come threw the drain holes before transplanting. I have found they do much better if the never know they were in a pot. You don't want them root bound before transplanting it will only slow growth. If you are going soil I highly recommend checking out super soil it super easy to make and works amazing been using it for years and wont ever look back. After you make the soil all you add is water NOTHING else. It is a great method for beginners and pro's alike. Info on the soil can be found here.
If its to late to try this grow keep it in mind for the next one you wont be disappointed. Oh and its organic. If you are just looking for a good soil check out Roots I like it much better the FF soils.
Good luck