First time grower- leaves started getting spots, yellowing, curling upward.

I am a first time grower with 3 blue cheese plants in 3 gal pots. My plants are in their fourth week of flowering and started to exhibit signs of what i though was nutrient lock out. I flushed all of them yesterday and today found less yellowing but more spots. Is their anything i can do to make them better besides just waiting? what do i do now? was that even the problem? Please Help!



Well-Known Member
Hi mike, when did they start looking ill, and what amount are you feeding? what kind of wattage are they getting ?what are your temps? how close are they to the light ?what medium?
its so hard to tell whats going on with your girls, and the fact that your in week 4 is no bueno! if they responded that quickly it wasnt a lockout it looks to be more of a lack of
They started looking like this about 4 days ago. At first their was just some yellowing and then the spots started the next day. I have a 600 watt hps light and they are in soil. I am feeding with fox farm big bloom every other day, following instructions on bottle. I dont know about the temp. don't have a thermometer. They are about 8 in from the light right now. What do you suggest? Would more photos help you?

I Love Indica

Active Member
They started looking like this about 4 days ago. At first their was just some yellowing and then the spots started the next day. I have a 600 watt hps light and they are in soil. I am feeding with fox farm big bloom every other day, following instructions on bottle. I dont know about the temp. don't have a thermometer. They are about 8 in from the light right now. What do you suggest? Would more photos help you?
Sounds like your are close to the light??? Check out the fox farm feeding schedule on there site and it will tell you exactly what you should be feeding at this point. Also get a will tell you humidity and temp. If you check my journal it has a link to some info. that may help with the problem or at least let you know what it is.


Active Member
Ok so with a 600W light, I can't imagine them being 8" away unless you have a cool tube setup so there is not alot of heat output being felt by the plants? I have a 250W and keep my plants about 1 foot or so from the light. Also, watering with nutes every 2 days? That seems really often man! Are you letting your ladies dry out properly? You want to let the soil dry out before watering again. Stick your fingers about 2" down in the soil and you'll be able to tell if it is still moist in there or if it is dry and ready for another watering. I can definitely tell you though that watering with nutes every 2 days is too often. That more than likely is the cause but adjust your light also to make sure they are getting too much heat. You should be able to put your hand where the top bud is and it be comfortable, not hot.