First time grower! Is it time for flowering?


Well im begginer , big time! Have gone thru a lot already! Its nearly two month now since i got seeds! They got burned in early days and then got some ph problems its all sorted now! I thought they have to go a bit taller before i go into flowering! I have 600w light on them 14/10 for last week! The tallest plant is about 60cm. should i switch to 12/12 and start with flowering?i cut some clones off three days ago, can i leave them under the plants? Pictures are taken about 20min before they go into sleep ( lights off). Thanks for your help experts


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure why you have them at 14/10 but in any event. 60cm=2 feet, I would go now, if not now soon. You don't say if you have any restrictions on size based on your grow area. I would get the clones out of there and under 18/6 to veg. Good luck.


i have them on 14/10 because i was reading to cut down from 24/7 gradually to 12/12 ! Hmm 18/6 for clones that means i need another grow room with lights thats way too much expenses for first time experiment :D


i would switch to 12/12, 14/10 has probably already triggered the flowering. don't overthink it, simple is good, mj plants are genetically designed to flower when light cycles get less. as for the clones i would just get some cfls to get some size for a couple weeks then throw them in with the others. when you start your next run think about stuff like that. clones are usually vegged 18/6 but will start the flower anyways if you give them 14/10 unless that is your veg cycle before you do 12/12. bottom line 12/12 is how you will get your sweet nugs with all of them.


ok im all sorted with clones . I will put them outdoors every day to get extra few hours of daylight , its good weather outside! What you experts think of dual spectrum lamps? Or should i puts HPS lamp i have both of them ? changed the timer for 12/12 so flowering will officially start tonight! I have all nutrients mixed up and ready to go! Im mixing nutrients in spray can and water that i am pouring into pods - is that correct ?


Active Member
What you experts think of dual spectrum lamps? Or should i puts HPS lamp i have both of them ? changed the timer for 12/12 so flowering will officially start tonight!
Well I'm no expert, but i have made some personal observations. i had a buddy growing in very, very similiar conditions to me, in fact I;d say his girls looked more robust when we both went into flowering. I had a 1k hps (hortilux super "eye") and he had a hortilux 600 super eye, and a 400MH. So we both had 1k of HID on very similiar shows otherwise. Anyway the bud density and final weights werent even close. Now this wasnt a scientific experiment by any means, BUT the 1k HPS just blew them away. Such denser buds, so much more weight.

Now the 1k probably penetrated better of course, but still both grows were at 1k watts HID. A good HPS ( bulbs really, really matter) is just the shit right now in the flowering world. i don;t think anyone has come up with something even close at the same wattage to be honest. i think we all wish they would, ciuz the 1k bulbs are hot little bitches, and need to be cared for as such, but they are still your best budmakers....period.

just my 2 cents. Incidentally i dont even use my MH bulbs anymore. i use all flouros in veg, and hps for flower. i still have 2 400MH set-ups, i just dont see the point anymore. Flouros vegg more effiicently when you have your time tables down right. They are slower than MH, but i think with a watchful eye, i get better plants with the flouros.

Long post, but i hope it helps a little.