First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Stem purpling, especially on just the leaf stems, is a common genetic trait. The only times it's caused by a problem is when there are other symptoms.

Sorry if you mentioned it earlier but have you started flowering yet? You can't really tell sex until it starts flowering. The pics don't seem to show any signs of sex yet.

The plant looks fabulous +rep.


Thanks guys,

I havnt started flowering yet. It looks a little small to start flowering dont you think?
The main stem is also turning purple.


Hey Guys and Girls.

well things seemed to be going well for the last week untill yesterday i noticed its started to wilt pretty bad.
im guessign it has something todo with the heat or watering.

The temps sit between 77-88 which i thought was within a good enough range.
the plant is getting watered about 150ml every two days.
the soil seems pretty dry but im not sure if its overwater or underwater lol.

am i watering it to much or not enough?
is the pot to small? should i repot it again?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If heat were a problem, those perky leaves on top would probably be drooping. Stick your finger in the soil about 1/3 of the way to the bottom and if it all feels dry, it's time to water. Try wetting the soil a little more each watering and spacing waterings out further. Watering slowly helps the liquid spread evenly throughout the soil.

Try getting the plant out of any breeze, spray it down well and let the water soak in a few hours. If the plant perks up, it needs water. If it gets worse, it's got too much water. This isn't a watering, just a foliar spray.

The pot size looks great but you can usually pull the root ball out and check for root binding just before watering, when the soil is dry. With a small pot like that, you can just place your palm on top of the soil with the stem between your fingers, flip the pot upside down and lift the pot off. Check the roots over a clean area and put any soil that falls out back in.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Never spray liquids near operating HID lamps. Fluorescents are much safer but I'd still move the plants away from them first. It's perfectly fine to spray while the lights are on, though. That's when it's most useful, cooling the plant and moistening anything the light and heat dried.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Just spray well when you do. Giving it a strong, all-over spray coats the plant with liquid and minimizes standing droplets.


Im back!

Well its been close to a week since i last posted and asked questions so here i go again.
here is a few more pics i have taken a few mins ago.
24-11-10 (2).jpg24-11-10 (3).jpg24-11-10 (4).jpg24-11-10.jpg

I plan on looking for some better soil this weekend and repotting her into a larger pot.

I have a few more questions i hope you dont mind.

Why is she so bushy? is it genetics? or what?
Is it me or is she growning very slow? you can see the first post and the now post.
Should i cut some of the bif fan leaves to allow more light into the middle of the plant?
As you can see from pic 4 the very bottom leaves are yellow and droppy, should i cut those off?
Should i be worried about the tips looking like claws?
Last but not least how do you know when you should start the flowering stage? is this plant to small? should i wait?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
1. Genetics and light levels. Both affect internodal length and the size of offshoots. Any stress encountered by the main growing shoot will encourage the others to grow.

2. Not that slow, especially since there were some slight problems along the way. It looks to be more indica and so will be shorter than the average sativa. Regardless of how big it could have been by now under optimum conditions, the plant looks great.

3. Uncovering other shoots from shade leaves will help their growth, but not nearly as much as topping will. I'd definately suggest topping at this point and other trimming should be put off until later if the plant is topped.

4. The very bottom leaves show the first signs of overfertilization and some other problems. Think of them as fertilizer test strips. You leave them as long as they aren't too worn out to do their job. When they're removed, the next set up become your test leaves. Those are close to being worn out but I'd probably leave em a bit longer. There would be no problems if you chose to take them off, either.

5. The hooked leaf tips are the first sign of a slight problem. The plant could probably be otherwise healthy it's whole life with so little leaf curling, so it's not a serious issue. It would likely be from heat or a watering problem.

6. When it's best to start flowering varies with strain, room to grow and lights. I'd top what you have, give it about two weeks to grow in the lower shoots and then flower.


Im not to sure if you are able to explain what topping is and how its done?
its probably alot for you to have to type out so if you are in no mood or dont have the time i understand.
I know its something todo with cutting the top off the plant, but unsure on how and how far down.

this plant looks sooo small compared to all the others i have seen on this forum.
the yeild from this baby would only be a few grams you think?


Hey Bublonichronic thanks heaps for that video.
that made it all that much clearer, probably a hell of a alot more than someone trying to explain it.


Im going to repot it again tomorrow and hope to find some better soil.
Should i top it straight after i repot or is that going to cause way to much stress?


Time for another update.

I decided to take a cutting a few days ago and all seems well so far i think, im not sure if it has rooted yet but its still looking pretty good. Its still standing and not looking dried out or starting to yellow.

Im still unsure if the main plant is female untill i change to 12/12.

I was thinking of switching to 12/12 in about a week.
here is a few pictures to show you whats happened since last time.
5-12-10.jpg5-12-10 (2).jpg5-12-10 (3).jpg

She (i hope) is looking pretty healthy other than it growing on a bit of a lean which should cause any problems.