First time grower: How's my plant look? (pics)


Active Member
Here you go:

It's not clear from the picture, but it's gotten hurt in some areas. The "baby leaves" (the first two, I forget their name) died, I think due to lack of sunlight because the bigger leaves covered them. There's one tiny brown spot on one leaf and one tiny hole (insects??) on another leaf. Also, the plant is leaning slightly, but it's strong enough to stand up on its own.

I'm at least pretty sure that I have enough nutrients, because weeds keep growing like crazy but there's no sign of plant burn. I've been just giving it two pinches of some miracle gro in a water bottle every time I water it.

Oh, and this is weird: Weeds especially keep growing near the base of my plant. Is there any reason for that?


Active Member
good but i need some help to determine the earliest i can plant getting huge is the last thing i want to in weird living conditions so the earlier the better


Well-Known Member
she (we hope) is looking fine.

Go Get some Bloom nutrient from a grow store.

You need to switch the lighting schedule to 12/12
then wait 8 weeks for her to flower into buds.


Well-Known Member
if ur really worried about hight start flowerin now...ur gyrl will more than double in size by the end. theres nothing wrong wit flowerin early as long as u flower long enough.