First time grower help.


Active Member
But im hoping by the time i actually start growing it will be a little more cooler here in Canada it gets noticeably cooler by september.


Active Member
Well my girlfriend comes back from work so we pick up a half quad, and guess what...
SEEDS GALORE lol i just picked 12 nice plump bagseeds, im thinking about growing these for a first grow just to see if my CFL method will work properly before i spend 50 bones on some dank seeds.


New Member

Use good seeds, learn from the grow, you will not have anything to measure anything else against in the future if you are using bagseed, no matter what you do it might turn out crap and how are you going to know what the problem was?

I do understand why people think use bagseeds first time but I think the logic is flawed. 3.5 months of hard work and graft, spending 50 bucks on quality is going to have ten times more benefits.


Active Member
thanks 3lions, yeah and the half quad i picked up was only regulars, it wasn't as good a smoke compared to what i usually get, but I must say it does get me pretty ripped, I think im going to order 5 pick and mix seeds online from nirvana.


Newbe grower here. I really need some advice. I recently started out with 3 white russian seeds in a new stealth hydro bubbleponics and it just went horribly wrong but that's a discussion for another time. I salvaged one seed from the bubbleponic setup ang germinated my last 2 white russian seeds. I got them in gallon pots with fox farms ocean forest potting soil under 8 cfls. The 2 recently sprouted seeds are doing ok and the one I salvaged is starting to make a comeback. I am thinking of getting 3 or 4 of those sylvania 65-watt grow reflecter bulbs and putting them in those reflective light domes ( all from lowes ). to use for flowering. What kind of heat issues am I looking at? I have a couple of oscillating fans in my closet now and they are keeping the heat down. I am already stressed that my hydro grow went bad and I just want to at least learn how to do this soil grow right. Any and all advice is welcome. Thanks.


Active Member
Well you know your gonna need a 3 gallon pot at least, I'm not sure about the heat those 65w bulbs give off but what is the temperature with just the CFLs?


My main concern is when I change the cfls for 3 or 4 65 watt hps lights. I know the metal halide puts out a lot of heat but I was wondering about the low wattage hps bulbs and if the heat will rise dramatically or not.


Active Member
Tbh, if your switching from MH to 65w cfls i think heat shouldnt be an issue, if so just add another exhaust or fan, you could even just fill water bottles up with water, freeze them, put them in a plastic bag and stick it in your grow area it will make it cooler for sure, sorry if that didnt make sense just picked up some kush and smoked a gram to my dome, happy smoking ;P


New Member
confusing.. you do not move to several 65w hps bulbs. you move to a single 250w hps perhaps. They wll ggive off more heat than cfls and are 9 times out of 10 set up with some sort of cooling