First time grower having problems, plz help

Bobbyweed 123

New Member
Hey, so this is my first grow. I germinated my seed in a ziplock bag with paper towels in a warm and dark place. After like 2 days when the root was 1/4 inch long (the reason I didn't wait longer is bc my friend told me it's good enough...) I planted it straight into a 5 gallon bucket (with some marbles and a hole at the bottom of it). I planted it 1/2 inch into the soil, moistened the soil and put two Hydrospikes. It's been 4 days and I'm not seeing any sign of it sprouting... Where I am right now it usually a high of 65 but usually sunny, at nights it drops down to mid 40's... also the plant isn't directly in sun during the day.
So... How long do u think it might take for my plant to sprout?
Do u think it will even sprout in these conditions?
Should I try to move it to sun asap, or is it good for now?
(If not^) What stage is sun critical?
Any tips/ advice?
Thanks guys..!
40 !!! that will stun the growth, besides if you growing outside that's not the time to do it, i think you have to start in July, so you plant can flower in Mid Sep, thats my opinion, as im also noob, you can wait for the canabas Gurus to answer you.
Under the best circumstances, it's always best to start seeds indoor and allow them to grow a bit. Then gradually allow them to get used to outdoor conditions.
I'd recommend the following....

Pull the plant and transplant it into a smaller container, like a dixie cup, or an 8 oz plastic party cup. Should your seed sprout and start stretching to the point where it's spindly and can't support itself, you can simply transfer from the cup to a larger cup, or container, and just bury the excess stalk so the plant doesn't collapse on itself.

Second thing is to bring it inside man. All you really need to do is allow the plant to develop enough to stand a good chance of surviving, and the more stable indoor environment will make it easier. All you need is a shop light, or a couple of CFL's to provide enough light for the plant to grow some decent roots, and once it does, you can switch your light source. You still need to be careful transferring it outside though.

Good luck, regardless.
In the 40's is too cold. They're not dead yet, so you may be able to save them is you move them indoors. Light has no effect until the sprouts break the surface. I don't see the weather getting any warmer soon, so you will need grow lights or put them in a window. You can't grow outdoors in the winter.