first time grower! are my babies normal for day 20?


started germinated seeds in pot on patio on august 20th but they were only getting 5 hours of good sun so on september 19th i moved inside to a closet using an old GE FLG/17 16W light on 24 cycle are they gonna make it and if so now what, i know I will need a better light source but I need some expert help! I am an old hippie chick not a guerrilla farmer as you can see, but I sure do want to be successful! Please pray these are females, I hate to fail!!!!



Well-Known Member
how many inches from light source should they be and how long do I leave them in 24 hour cycle?
Get 2 pots if you have 3 plants and simply transplant them. If you had babies your hands are gentle enough and pot is tough. Plant in 3 gallon pots now and leave them there until harvest. Place 23 watt CFL bulbs no higher than 12" above the plants. Go read about hempy!!!!!!!!

In fact don't do anything until you visit Moebius.


Well-Known Member
thanks! and I also I love me a Harley! Nothing finer!
Well there is but thanks. You cannot receive private messages. When you can send me one please do. I'll try to help you. I'm a cut-to-the-chase kind. Go read about hempy before you do anything, girl!

Excellent success cheap, fun and easy. Never look at a 2 liter Coke bottle the same again. Don't deal with expensive dirt. Don't consider hydro. Neither one just yet. Later yes. HEMPY! Tell Moebius I sent you to him.

Garden weeds

Active Member
IMO i would get a couple 100watt cfls on the go about 2 -3 inches above the tops of the plant, get a fan on the go and for sure seperate those plants!!!!!! happy growing GW