First Time Grower And Has lots Of Questions. please help

holy shit 2.jpgholy shit 3.jpg0928002230a.jpgok im using a hydroponic drip system with rockwool with hydroponic clay rock.
im this is a 3 week old clone i have it on a 18 day and 6 hour night cycle.
Im not sure on how often i should water this plant or how much nutrients to give it.
i need to know what the ph level should be at and how often to water?
is it ok to have a constant drip?

i also purchsed these lights ven though there not seen on the pictures since i just purchased them. please help and let me know if they are any good.
here is the link

i have two of these they are uvb full spectrum light bulbs if you dont reccommend these than help me choose a btter light for cheap please =)


Active Member
you say ur doing a drip system but are your roots touching the water in the resivour and if they are do u have an air stone


Well-Known Member
your ph should be 5.5.. as far as a watering cycle goes, like Alito said are your roots touching water? if yes then thats all the water they need just put an air stone and now you have a DWC system..
3 x 20 minute cycles per day is the average for each plant when its starting out. They get thirstier the bigger they get so alter ur cycles to more cycles , say 4 x 20 minutes then 5 x 20 minutes etc etc. Watch the moisture levels on your rockwool they retain moisture and nutrients the most effectively. test it by sticking a cotton swap in the rockwool if ur unsure on how wet ur rockwool really is in the centre.
thanks ill do that most definatly
i also got this sugar daddy 0-0-0 i dunno what those numbers mean though is that good to use
at this stage?